Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2704 I won’t play with him anymore

Luo Bi couldn't hold back her anger. After talking to Fengling, she called Wu Cheng. Wu Cheng was currently on a mission in Qingyao Star.

Wu Cheng picked up the communication, and Luo Bi didn't mince words, she made her meaning clear directly: "Wucheng, the Talented Talents Military Department will give two sergeants, I don't want them, so why don't you go on a mission with me?!"

Wu Cheng was stunned for a moment and puzzled: "The sergeant Fengling's military department gave you must be very powerful. Why don't you want it? My combat power is definitely not as powerful as the one Fengling found for you. Who did Fengling find for you?" On a mission?"

"Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin." Luo Bi was annoyed.

"Are Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin very powerful?" Wu Cheng must have become uneasy: "What do you think? We don't want people like Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin. My combat power is not comparable to them."

Luo Bi was silent for a moment and did not mention Wen Xiao: "If Jiang Yixin is not good enough, I won't play with him in the future."

Wu Cheng was overthinking: "What happened? What did Jiang Yixin do?"

"What didn't he do?" Luo Bi didn't want to say.

Wu Cheng didn't believe that Luo Bi suddenly stopped playing with her when she had nothing to do. But if Luo Bi didn't say anything, he couldn't continue to ask, so he said, "Okay, let's just treat it like playing with you. I'll go on a mission with you. Pei Yang, Bai Juan, do you want it? I'll ask them to come together."

"Yes, call them!" Pei Yang and Bai Juan are not weak in fighting strength, how could Luo Bi not want them.

"I'll go there tomorrow." Wu Cheng said.

Luo Bi chatted with Wu Cheng for a while, then hung up the call. She and Wu Cheng called Xun Zhihu. Fengling also answered a call, which was from General Qi Lan. After chatting for a few words, Fengling ended the call.

After Luo Bi finished chatting with Wu Cheng, Fengling said: "The general told me that the military department has given you a medium-sized material warehouse. Go and take a look when you have time. The large material warehouse has been allocated to Jiang Qianran and Zhou Ya."

The first combat team was divided into Qin Yilang and Fengling. The military department gave it to them. The general gave Luo Bi a medium-sized material warehouse, so that she had two material warehouses.

Luo Bi: "······"

She couldn't hold even one, so she was given two supply stores this time.

Why give her so much? She can't use it either.

"I don't need so much." Luo Bi muttered, dialed the message and dialed Zhu Xingshao, and told Zhu Xingshao what she meant: "I have called my classmates, you can also go on a mission with me!"

The tone was like a group of children discussing where to go to play. Fengling raised her eyebrows, feeling a little strange.

In the aristocratic circle, we are used to seeing people acting coquettishly with men, but it is quite rare to talk to children in this tone. Fengling smiled half-heartedly, prepared the ingredients, and then started cooking.

Zhu Xingshao asked: "Where are the sergeants given to you by the military department?"

Luo Bi still said the same thing: "I don't use the sergeants given by the military."

Zhu Xingshao didn't ask any more questions: "We're all going, or should we pick a few who are good at fighting?"

"Why don't you give Zhu Xingbao and the younger ones to me!" Luo Bi thought about the Zhu family's children going on missions with the family hunting team, so she didn't have the nerve to drag the stronger ones with her: "Don't you still want to follow you? Uncle, they are on a mission? I don’t need the older ones, just give me the younger one."

Zhu Xingshao understood: "I will go on a mission with you."

Luo Bi was happy in her heart and did not refuse. Then she chatted with Zhu Xingshao: "I divided two supply warehouses. You said that I can't fill one of them. Why did you give me two supply warehouses? Come here tomorrow and identify me. Material warehouse.”

Zhu Xingshao responded: "You can get up early."

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