Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2707 Just one is fine

As soon as Wei Yu left, Zhu Xingshao brought Pei Yang and Bai Juan back from the material warehouse.

Luo Bi called the Bunting and said to Zhu Xingshao, "You've come back just in time. Let's take the Bunting over to check out the material warehouse."

Zhu Xingshao took a sip of water. He put too much salt on the barbecue at noon. He put down the water glass. Zhu Xingshao glanced at Wei Bun. Knowing that this man was not weak in combat, he asked Wei Bun to get on the hover car and leave.

Pei Yang and Bai Juan also had to prepare. Bai Juan said, "I'll go home and prepare a few bottles of energy liquid and elixir."

Luo Bi didn't stop him, and Wu Cheng didn't feel at all that Luo Bi was leading the team on a mission and it was inappropriate for them to prepare energy liquid and elixir. He said to Bai Juan and Pei Yang, "Prepare a few more bottles, Luo Bi doesn't have energy liquid and elixir. "

Pei Yang and Bai Juan nodded. Zhu Xingsu heard this and stood up and said: "Brother, let's go back and prepare equipment, energy liquid, and elixir. It's hard to go on a mission without equipment and resources."

Zhu Xingjie nodded and called the other children of the Zhu family to go home and get ready.

Luo Bi is still not nervous about going on a mission, and she has to go home to prepare. Wu Cheng asked: "Should we go on a mission on Qingyao Star, or on Zihuang Star? My brother and the Zhihuang Star First Combat Team We are all on Qing Yao Star. If we go to Qing Yao Star, there will be someone to protect us. If we can’t collect supplies, we can go to my brother and the others. Why do we have to hunt a strange beast?”

Alien beasts with upgraded combat power are difficult to hunt. Alien beasts will appear at any time when looking for supplies in the mountains and forests, so Wu Cheng had the idea of ​​​​turning around and coming back from the beginning.

It didn't matter that we didn't collect any supplies. If we didn't still have the Wu family's hunting team and Fengling, we could go to their territory to hunt around and get some ingredients.

As for the alien beasts?

It's okay to ask his brother for one.

What's more, Luo Bi also has a small basket array device with the array function turned on. When Wu Cheng thought of the small basket array device, he suddenly became anxious: "Luo Bi, can your small basket array device still work?!"

He was worried that he would no longer be able to use it after using it once.

Wu Cheng was worried that Luo Bi was unsure: "There was still energy when I used it last time, so it should be usable. I also need to go home to prepare. Will you go?"

"Do you have the strength to work?" Wu Cheng asked, and then said: "If you have the strength to work, I will go if you can't do it. If you don't have me, I won't go."

Luo Bi thought for a moment: "No."

Wu Cheng didn't want to go. Luo Bi raised her feet and was about to leave when Wu Cheng called out: "Are we going to go on a mission in a hover car or a spaceship? I have forgotten this. Do you have a spaceship?"

There is no spaceship, but the military does have one. Luo Bi doesn't want to use it: "Drive a hover car or a sports car."

A sports car? Wu Cheng was stunned: "Then the price will drop."

Luo Bi ignored him and drove the hover car back to the garrison base. She wanted to bring the furnace and cauldron, as well as spiritual plants and refining materials. She might not be able to use them, but she had to bring them with her.

Just put the new furnace cauldron in the storage bracelet. After the war season, the used furnace cauldron, spiritual plants, and refining materials will easily lose energy when placed in the storage device, but they cannot and can only be placed in the storage device. inside.

Luo Bi planned to drive a sports car on a mission. She put the furnace cauldron in a storage bracelet and some spiritual plants with various attributes. They could be placed on the sports car without taking up space.

She also had to bring bamboo wine with her. She planted the bamboo she brewed with the wine on the large balcony of the second bedroom. Luo Bi picked a bamboo with thin joints and chopped it hard with a machete. After a few chops, she rested.

Luo Bi originally wanted to bring two knots of bamboo wine, but she decided to bring one bamboo knot to increase the combat power of the little Leiyan warrior.

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