Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2708 Bamboo

Luo Bi rested for a while, staring at the bamboo and catching her breath.

Then, continue chopping bamboo.

The bamboo tree grew well, and a small section of the green bamboo was cut. The doorbell rang, and Luo Bi put down the machete and opened the door.

Opening the door, Lan Qiao poked her head in and said, "What are you busy with at home? Going to bed again."

The person who had been sleeping for a long time looked lazy. Luo Bi heard it, but she didn't show it on her face: "What's wrong with you? Everyone has divided the supply warehouse. Is the supply warehouse you allocated big?"

Luo Bi was interested, and Lan Qiao said, "It's not big, it's a small material warehouse."

"Luo Bi, how about we go on a mission together?" Lan Qiao wanted to find someone to go on a mission with. She wanted to find someone with high talents like Xue Ya and Jiang Qianran, but she knew how much she weighed, so she didn't have the nerve to ask. .

The army has set up a supply warehouse, and each talented person can mobilize two sergeants to follow them on missions. For those with high talents like Xue Ya and Zhou Ya, as long as they go on missions, there will naturally be no shortage of Thunder Flame soldiers to follow them.

Those who are not very talented and have no connections can only find other talented people to cooperate.

Lan Qiao thought of Luo Bi.

Luo Bi was not interested. She had to chop bamboo, so she didn't let Lan Qiao in. Luo Bi did not refuse immediately, but said to Lan Qiao: "There are no sergeants to go on a mission with me. I plan to take a few little Leiyan warriors with me." , you go find Zhang Wuer and the others!"

Isn’t Lan Qiao good with Zhang Wuer? Of course when looking for cooperation, look for people with good connections.

"You took the little Leiyan warrior on a mission?!" Lan Qiao looked incredulous, then thought of herself: "Zhang Wu'er said that she would go on a mission with her little sisters, so it's not easy to take me with her."

Luo Bi looked at her and said nothing. Lan Qiao didn't want to go on a mission with the little Lei Yan warriors, so she turned around and left: "I'll ask Zhang Yao and the others."

Luo Bi closed the door and went to the balcony of the second bedroom to continue cutting bamboo. After more than half an hour, she cut off a section of bamboo. After resting for a while, Luo Bi continued to chop bamboo, cutting off an extra section in case of emergency.

Fengling came back in the evening and gave Luo Bi the energy liquid and elixir she had prepared.

Luo Bi glanced at it and showed Fengling the bamboo wine: "I brought bamboo wine, I don't need the energy liquid."

Fengling knew the efficacy of bamboo wine. He glanced at it and said, "With bamboo wine, you also bring energy liquid and elixir. Undeveloped planets are highly dangerous, so you can use them when you encounter strange beasts with high combat power."

After Fengling said this, Luo Bi put away the energy liquid and elixir.

Fengling rolled up her sleeves to prepare ingredients for dinner. Luo Bi thought for a moment and went to the balcony of the second bedroom to pull out a few small green radishes. After stroking some radish leaves, Luo Bi wanted to eat them, but they were for strange animals. She put the small green radish and the spiritual plant together.

After Fengling arranged the dinner, Roger came over.

"What do you mean you don't want Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin to go on a mission with you?" Luo Jie sat on the sofa and asked puzzledly: "Jiang Yixin's combat power is strong enough. Zhou Ya and the others can't get it, but you still don't want it."

"I have already made an agreement with Wu Cheng and the others." Luo Bi knew that everyone was puzzled, so she hesitated and said, "Wen Xiao is okay, but Jiang Yixin is fine. No matter how powerful he is, I don't need him."

Roger was stunned: "Don't you two have a good relationship?"

Fengling was thoughtful, and Luo Bi was annoyed: "Only good relationships make people care about him. I won't play with him in the future."

Roger was even more puzzled, but he didn't think much and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Who do you think is worried about it?"

Luo Bi didn't want to say anything, so she stood up, washed her hands, and went to pack the spiritual plants she wanted to bring.

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