Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2716 Delicious

Luo Bi searched around again, but there was still no first-level alien beast.

Two or three small fox beasts ran out, and Zhu Xingzhi and Wei Yu rushed to kill them. Wu Cheng kept an eye on the people throwing the strange beasts, and walked over with a bamboo basket, and happily collected the mushrooms when he saw them.

Not finding the first-level beast, Luo Bi called Zhu Xingjie and Zhu Xingshao over: "We continued to kill in the mountains and forests. We have been busy all morning and haven't killed a single beast with better meat."

Zhu Xingshao was stunned and looked back at the land he had conquered. Everyone was still digging for spiritual plants and collecting mushrooms in a hurry. The millet grains were harvested and the fruits were picked.

Pheasants and winged rabbits are jumping around and are difficult to catch.

"So many mountain forest resources have not been collected yet, we still need to conquer the territory?" In Zhu Xingshao's view, if there is a territory that has been conquered, we should collect all the ingredients and other ingredients in this area.

There is no rush to conquer the territory, but they will be too busy to conquer it later.

Luo Bi didn't think so. She raised her chin and said loudly to the busy little Lei Yan warriors: "It's good, don't worry about the other things. We'll talk about it when we have time after we have established the territory."

This is a specially selected collection.

Everyone has this idea in their hearts, but they just don’t have the ability and can’t do it, so they don’t dare to think about it.

Luo Bi dared to think that if he collected them, he would occupy the territory and advance bit by bit.

Settle a new territory, pick out the good ones, collect them, and then attack the next mountain forest.

The child who was sent out to explore the road in front of him ran back from the forest for about half an hour: "Within half a mile there is a flaming duck beast, countless small fox beasts, five second-level alien beasts, and a team of pig beasts." , about a dozen.”

After hearing this, Luo Bi nodded: "I've almost collected this piece of land, I don't want any more."

A group of little Lei Yan warriors were a little reluctant to leave, and they were still reluctant to leave. When they had time, they collected a handful of slightly larger mushrooms among the mushrooms they had picked.

This kind of mushroom is tender, but it is incomparable with the ones they collected before.

When the little Lei Yan warriors came back, Luo Bi opened her storage bracelet and put away the baskets of ingredients. She calculated it all and was collecting a piece of land, and they would go back.

Luo Bi looked at the mountains and forests: "Kill them."

Luo Bi's plan was very good, and it was easier to conquer the territory than the Thunder Flame Warriors. Everyone worked hard to advance into a section of the forest and conquer a new territory.

Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao and other Little Thunder Flame warriors looked at the mountains and forests full of resources, and felt ecstatic in their hearts. When they reacted, they dispersed with a splash and quickly searched for supplies and paddled away.

Suddenly, a familiar "quacking" sound came from the forest, and the flaming duck beast ran over.

"Here comes a delicious one."

Luo Bi directed a group of Little Thunder Flame warriors to fight. They all stood still, stretched out their stances and stabbed the ground with their swords, intending to use the tactics of scraping the ground to catch the Flame Duck Beast and throw it into the basket.

As a result, the little Lei Yan warrior was dumbfounded when he scraped the ground.


It didn't start blowing, and the superpower only blew the flame duck beast's hair.

Luo Bina yelled angrily: "Poke it down."

The Little Lei Yan warriors nodded and stabbed with their swords. Luo Bi helped them catch the Flame Duck Beast.

Then, I couldn't throw it away.

This is a flame duck beast with a second level of combat power, and it cannot be defeated by the little Lei Yan warrior.

Fortunately, with the energy blessing of the small basket array, everyone worked together to throw the Flame Duck Beast into the basket.

Wu Cheng killed him with quick eyes and hands.

The Flame Duck Beast is a second-level alien beast, and the little Leiyan Warrior couldn't be happier.

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