Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2717 Chapter 2717 Picked

"We killed a Level 2 Flame Duck Beast?!!"

The little Lei Yan warriors were still a little in disbelief. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then your eyes fell on the Flame Duck Beast, and your eyes suddenly burst out with joy.

"This little basket array is so powerful!" Wu Cheng said to Zhu Xingjie.

Zhu Xingjie nodded, and the little Leiyan warriors rejoiced for a moment. Then they dispersed to dig spiritual plants and harvest millet and rice. The younger children continued to drag the little pig beast to dig for crystal stones.

There are still more than a dozen little pig beasts that have not finished digging, so they should finish digging quickly so that they can collect the supplies with everyone.

Pheasants and winged rabbits were hopping around blindly. Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingsu looked at each other and raised their feet to catch pheasants and winged rabbits.

Luo Bi wanted to use the bamboo sieve to catch pheasants and winged rabbits, but the surrounding area was too noisy and there were busy little Leiyan warriors everywhere. The pheasants and winged rabbits were stupid and ran under the bamboo sieve.

Bai Juan picked out fresh and tender wild vegetables and dug another basket. Even if they were not worth a few interstellar coins, he would dig them up. These were nutritious ingredients. He wanted the wild vegetables in the territory he had acquired so easily.

There are also fruit trees in the new territory. The little Lei Yan warriors went up to the tree with a huff and puff, pulled a branch with fruit hanging on it and picked it one by one. No one grabbed it, but there was a little fox beast, so they were too slow.

There are a lot of good things in the mountains and forests that no one has set foot in. The Little Leiyan warriors looked at the food ingredients, spiritual plants and fruits they had never seen before, and they wanted to drag them all away, and their eyes turned red.

"One Flame Duck Beast is too few. Let's catch a few more." Luo Bi glanced at the sky, called a group of children and left: "After a busy day, all we killed were useless little fox beasts."

Wu Cheng glanced at the territory behind him that was full of resources, and followed Luo Bi: "Where are we going to catch the Flame Duck Beast? There is only one around here. Don't we collect supplies from the territory we conquer?"

The little Leiyan warriors who were pulling things moved for a while, not wanting to leave, so they collected a small amount. There were still a lot of ingredients that they had not dug out. They would have to fight once they left and came back.

Luo Bi was also a little hesitant, and carried a bamboo basket to dig for spiritual plants: "Then we'll catch the flaming duck later. You guys hurry up and pick out the good ones. Don't use low-grade mushrooms."

Oops, the little Leiyan warrior breathed a sigh of relief and quickly opened his eyes to collect the items he had picked.

They finally figured it out. Luo Bi led the team to open up battlefields to gain territory, and she specially selected the good ones. She didn't care about those who missed the mark.

There is no other reason, no time.

It takes a while to open up the battlefield, but you still have to worry about the Flame Duck Beast after you have secured the territory.

Is it okay to hunt one? !

Eh? No, it’s not enough.

Luo Bi was still planning to catch a few more flaming duck beasts. Zhu Xingshao said to Zhu Xingsu: "Hunting one flaming duck beast is okay, but with our combat power, we can only catch one more if we add one, but no more." "

Luo Bi also wanted to hunt several more, but they were simply not strong enough.

Zhu Xingsu was harvesting millet: "Hurry up and collect the ingredients."

Zhu Xingshao chatted with Wu Cheng again, and Wu Cheng said, "I'll be back when I can't hunt."

Okay, a few people are busy harvesting millet. Millet is no better than spiritual plants or mushrooms. Just harvest them and tie them into bundles.

The little Leiyan warriors were both excited and confused. In terms of territory, Luo Bibi was more powerful than the legion combat team.

It's not that the territory they conquered is very large, but it's Luo Bi's strategy of charging and killing. It only took a long time for them to conquer it piece by piece, and they couldn't even pull out the supplies.

They don't want the bad ones, they only choose the good ones, and they are too busy with the good ones.

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