Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2731 Money Obsession

Luo Bi made a move, but she didn't think Jiang Qianran was stingy.

She wanted to be nice to the little Leiyan warriors who were following her on the mission, so it was her business to divide the supplies. It was reasonable for Jiang Qianran and the others to be reluctant to share the supplies in order to compare with the quantity of supplies.

You can’t just say someone is stingy because the portion is too small and the meat quality is low.

"Talented people are like little white flowers. They have no ability to fight, and they can't collect supplies as well as women without talent." Wu Cheng didn't take the barbecue from Luo Bi. He asked Luo Bi to get out of the way while he barbecued and turned over the ingredients. After a while, he said: "Thunder Flame warriors are very tired, and they hunt a lot of prey. It seems a little difficult for you, Luo Bi, to compare. Their hunting team is very powerful."

Luo Bi reminded him: "There are many alien beasts with first-level combat power, and the meat is usually the meat of low-level alien beasts."

The quantity is considerable, but the nutritional capacity needs to be considered.

"That's quite a lot." Zhu Xingshao took a piece of roasted exotic animal meat and took a bite. The meat was soft and tender, and there were enough seasonings. Zhu Xingshao ate it and said hesitantly: "Luo Bi, if you don't want to mobilize the army, Interested, in fact, given your family’s conditions, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go on a mission.”

Luo Bi didn't think so: "I'm not interested in mobilizing the army, but I can't let Jiang Qianran and Zhang Wuer mobilize too many troops. Let's compare. If it doesn't work, forget it."

If she doesn't think so, she must do it. If she doesn't have enough ability, everything she says will be in vain.

Luo Bi prepared not much meat ingredients, but Wu Cheng and the others stopped eating after tasting it. They rushed to the material warehouse center to see the harvest of other talented people. After comparing, they had a good idea.

In order not to be said to be stingy, Jiang Qianran generously took out two first-level combat beasts for everyone to eat and eat. The family members of the garrison didn't listen to this and went over to help.

Those who boil water boil water, those who choose vegetables pick vegetables, and those who pick out strange animals pickle them and roast them.

The goods are also good. The women clean them and marinate them in the pot.

Put enough nutritious seasonings, then cut the exotic animal meat into pieces and put it in. It will be so mushy that it will make greedy people drool just thinking about it.

Jiang Qianran was originally worried about making so many meat ingredients, but now she felt that it was very honorable. Zhou Ya saw this and cruelly took out two first-level beasts.

With them competing, He Xiang also asked the sergeant to move two first-level beasts over.

Lieutenant General Mi was happy and said to the adjutant: "Go and get some ginseng plants."

Without saying how many plants to take, the adjutant paused and raised his feet to get the ginseng grass. Lieutenant General Mi was obsessed with money and ordered him to be cut if he took too much. The adjutant felt clear in his mind and counted the number of strange beasts before going to get the ginseng grass.

One exotic beast and one ginseng grass are enough.

Jiang Qianran felt more dignified. She raised her chin slightly, but smiled sweetly on her face.

Zhang Wu'er was angry. Her and Jiang Xi'er's teams had already gained little. Wouldn't it be even less if they brought out two more exotic beasts? Comparing supplies is just comparing supplies, what’s the point of showing off?

Jiang Xi'er discussed with Zhang Wu'er: "Shall we also take out two?"

Zhang Wuer smiled and nodded, not wanting to say anything.

By the time the braised pork was out of the pot, everyone who was tired and hungry couldn't wait any longer. They served it on plates and washed the cucumber with cold sauce. It was both refreshing and delicious, but it was a pity that it wasn't enough, just to save face.

Fengling didn't come back from the military headquarters. Luo Bi browsed the small optical computer and Luo Huan's communication dialed: "Come to the main house. I'm on a mission today. I've made delicious food at home. Fengling can ask him to come over if he has time."

"I'm having dinner, Fengling is not at home." Luo Bi didn't want to go.

Luo Huan said: "Come over after eating. Fengling is busy, so come on!"

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