Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2732 Just two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two

Luo Bi agreed and tidied up the kitchen, her thoughts running wildly.

She didn't want to go, but she couldn't refuse the warm welcome. Luo Bi washed her hands without changing her clothes. She would wear whatever she usually wears, lest anyone have ulterior motives because of this, and she couldn't see this.

Luo Bi took the car keys, closed the door, and drove the sports car to the main house of the Luo family.

The Luo family has produced two extremely talented natural bonders, and the clan members already feel that they are superior to other families. This time the hunting team went on a mission and gained a lot, and the clan was even happier than before.

Luo Wan and Luo Sha's material warehouses are in the Emperor Star. They both have several material warehouses. Luo Sha's material warehouses are from the Talent Academy and the military department. Luo Wan also has two material warehouses. Bai Yang has another in the legion combat team. She applied for one.

In this way, Luo Wan has one more resource store than Luo Sha.

In the eyes of the tribe, Luo Wan is indeed slightly better than Luo Sha in all aspects.

Luo Sha has an arrogant temper, but Luo Wan is obviously more gentle than her, and her words are nicer.

When he was on Qingyao Star, Luo Wan gave two first-level alien beasts to his clansmen. The others were transported back to the Emperor Star. Luo Shan was unlucky and gave two first-level alien beasts to his clansmen. .

The head of the Luo family and Bai Yang led a team to escort the supplies back to the Emperor Star. Luo Wan and Luo Sha followed them back. The mission was very hard, and the two planned to rest for two days before going on the mission.

When Luo Bi arrived at the main house of the Luo family, the female family members were happily preparing dinner and busy with their hands. The female family members were also chirping and praising Luo Wan and Luo Sha, saying that they would definitely be better than other talented people.

I don’t know where that certainty came from. Not to mention others, the strength of Lan Heng’s family cannot be underestimated. This is the first mission, and it is still unknown who will receive more supplies.

Blind self-confidence can also make people speechless, but when the women say this, no one comments.

"Sister Luo Bi, you are here." Several juniors greeted.

There were also people playing with small optical computers and eating in the kitchen. Luo Bi responded and talked to several cousins. Everyone's thoughts were on Luo Wan and Luo Sha, so she stopped saying a few words. .

Compliment along with me?

Sorry, I can't open my mouth.

Don’t boast! I couldn't get a word in.

Luo Bi didn't care either. People were walking to higher places. The clan members valued Luo Sha and Luo Wan and there was nothing wrong with them. The tribe has always been like this, Luo Bi has long understood it, so she can just sit back and watch.

The dishes in the kitchen were cooked and brought to the table set out in the yard. The elders and people of high status in the clan were all talking at the table. Luo Yan, Zhan Hui and Luo Yuan were accompanying them, which shows their importance in the hearts of the clan members.

Tong Wan brought out a plate of skewers from the kitchen and called for everyone to come over and eat. Luo Bi didn't move, she was not interested.

Luo Bi refused to eat, and Tong Wan said nothing after a few polite words. Luo Ping took two more skewers and handed them to Luo Bi: "Sister Luo Bi, give me two skewers for you. This is the meat of low-level exotic animals hunted. It contains... energy."

Luo Bi didn't answer: "You go ahead and eat, I'm full."

"Just two skewers, here you go." Luo Ping had already eaten. She had exotic animal meat at home, but it contained too little nutritional energy and the taste was not as good as the skewers in her hand. Luo Ping was already greedy.

Tong Wan raised her eyelids, eating skewers and said, "You see, my family is different. Luo Ping only thinks about her sister, not her sister-in-law, and she doesn't bring us food."

Luo Bi refused to eat, so Luo Ping took the opportunity to give it to Tong Wan. The little girl said mercilessly: "Here it is, don't say I didn't miss you."

How could Tong Wan reach out and ask for it? Before dinner, only a few people took a few skewers to taste.

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