Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2742 Little Spoon Array

Zhu Kai looked at Master Zhu: "Master?"

The head of the Zhu family was angry and funny: "Let her fight."

Zhu Kai stopped talking. His own combat team had not reached the front, so it was not easy to stop others.

Although every powerful legion combat team and family combat team have designated mountains and forests to open up battlefields, if you can't attack them, it doesn't make sense if you don't want others to attack them.

Wu Cheng was carrying the basket, and Zhu Xingshao followed him. Looking around, he was a little confused: "Luo Bi, we missed the target and went to the territory of our Zhu family."

Wu Cheng took a breath and said, "This is almost our Wu family's territory."

All the little Lei Yan warriors looked at each other. They just followed Luo Bi and ran, but they didn't realize that they were going nowhere. There were quite a few strange beasts that exploded, there were probably twenty or thirty of them.

Wu Cheng analyzed: "We searched the supplies in front, and the Zhu family's combat team came back and found nothing good."

"Let's hurry over to your Zhu family's and Wu's family's territory. We'll only fight the exotic beasts and try not to do anything else." Naturally, we can't rob them if we have a good relationship with them. Luo Bi counted out another pile of small spoons and took out the array weapons. She took a breath and said: "We are not familiar with other combat teams. We go to them to collect supplies. Don't we all like to rob them? Let's go in front of other combat teams and search them."

Wu Cheng nodded and said, "I'll listen to you."

What happens next is exciting. Little Thunder Flame warriors like Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao have never been so excited in their lives. Why? There is no other reason. Luo Bi occupies the land just like the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, and will leave when the wind blows.

Regardless of who owns the territory, Luo Bi led the team to kill them sideways. When they saw the alien beasts, they would throw spoons to explode them. They put them away and continued to kill, leaving a group of children, the Zhu family's escort team, and the Wu family's combat team in a daze. .

Wu Shao was called here by the head of the Zhu family. There were too many good things to handle. It was not worthwhile for the Wu family's combat team to fight there. They might as well come over and help collect supplies.

What Luo Bi led the team to fight out was the territory, and supplies were all over the ground. Luo Bi kept charging and killing at his feet. The people behind him were busy for a while. When they saw the spiritual plants digging and digging, they also quickly dug up the ginseng and followed the team.

It's impossible not to follow the team. The mountains and forests here are full of dangers. Luo Bi has an awesome array weapon in hand and can kill them. There are strange beasts with high combat power that can be destroyed with a spoon. They can't let them come.

A second-level beast can keep a Thunder Flame warrior busy for half a day.

Looking around, everyone was very excited. What should I do with so many good things? ! !

Here we climbed up the fruit tree and picked a few fruits, and the spiritual plant digger dug almost all the high-level ones. Over there, Luo Bi shouted, and then went to kill the strange beasts with a small spoon and array weapon.

Wu Cheng quickly moved the basket to follow. The other Little Leiyan warriors hurriedly pulled up the collected ingredients. The Zhu family and Wu family's combat teams dug up handfuls of spiritual plants and ginseng and left.

Wu Shao laughed angrily: "Master Zhu, collect the ones you picked out and don't need the others."

The head of the Zhu family laughed: "I do want it, is it too late? I haven't collected much yet, and the territory has changed again."

Zhu Kai grabbed the dead leaves on the spiritual plant a few times and quickened his pace to keep up. He was convinced: "Don't say it's difficult to attack the planet. With Luo Bi's territorial attack style, we can knock down the edge of the planet at night. ."

"Damn it, there are still a lot of ingredients." The guards looked at the abundant resources and felt heartbroken.

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