Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2743 Not used to it

Wu Shao was also distressed, but he had no control over Luo Bi's leadership: "Let her go. When we arrive at the new territory, we will speed up the collection. We will collect as much as we can. Let us fight. We won't be able to get here for a while. "

The array device takes action and other equipment stays behind.

The territory of the combat team is gained through fighting, what about Luo Bi? How should I put it? It's like playing. Just throw the small spoon array and it will be a second-level beast.

First-level combat power?

Luo Bi didn't want it. Even if he killed a first-level combatant, he would just kill him because he was in the way.

The guards of the two families were in a turbulent state. Is this a turf war? It was windy throughout.

They couldn't reach the front. Luo Bi conquered a territory like this and then moved on to the next territory. They had nothing to think about except rushing to collect supplies.

The main reason is that they don't have that spare time. The mountains and forests are full of resources, and it's too late for everyone to collect them. They just dig a few spiritual plants and leave. They are just anxious, and they don't have time to think about anything else.

I saw a quacking flaming duck beast with a very bad temper, its wings fluttering and rolling up the leaves.

Luo Bicai didn't get used to it, rolled up her sleeves and threw the small spoon array out. The flaming duck beast thought it was something, but before it could react, it only heard a "bang" and exploded half-baked.

"Where was it hit?" Luo Bi asked Zhu Xingshao, then raised her foot to open the storage bracelet.

Zhu Xingshao made a distinction and replied: "Lan Rui's territory."

Taking advantage of this moment, everyone followed her and started picking things up without saying a word. They picked out the spiritual plants and ginseng grasses, and they all seemed a little unceremonious like picking out a wife.

In the past, the Thunder Flame warriors were not so picky, and Luo Bi was picky about them. It’s impossible not to pick and choose, no one is stupid, if there are good ones, waste time and dig them out together.

It took so much effort to train each eye, and when it arrived at the new territory, it started to draw with all hands and feet.

"Lan Rui's territory?" Luo Bi rested for a while and asked everyone to open up new territories.

Zhu Xingsu didn't want to leave: "There are still a lot of supplies that have not been collected."

Luo Bi looked at him with a strange look: "I kill strange beasts. I can collect other materials if I can. I don't care what you do, just don't delay the hunting."

Okay, Zhu Xingsu and others can also see that Luo Bi's purpose is not to attack the territory, nor to plant spiritual plants, ginseng grass, etc., she is here for the second-level beasts or above.

Luo Bi didn't let him stop when there wasn't a strange beast he was interested in, and he charged forward fiercely.

Later, the Little Lei Yan warriors stopped blasting the alien beasts. With Luo Bi taking action, there was no need for them. When they arrived at the new territory, while Luo Bi blasted the alien beasts and put them away, they quickly dragged the basket and pulled it hard.

The guards of the Zhu family and the Wu family were digging for spiritual plants and picking fruits from the trees. They were laughing in their hearts. They were still fighting and the logistics were not done well. How could they get so many supplies? ! !

There has never been such a good time. Everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of blood, their hands shaking when digging for spiritual plants and ginseng grass, and they were so excited that they felt like they were dreaming.

Two bags of wild vegetables were dug out. Luo Bi was not interested in them, so the guards dug them up.

It's not that Wu Shao and the Zhu family leader didn't think of calling someone else. On the one hand, they didn't have time, and on the other hand, Luo Bi wanted to make a fortune quietly. It was hard for them to call others over.

They all work as logistics helpers, so there is no need to ask others to come over, and they may not be happy to do it for nothing.

The Zhu family and Wu family don't care, it's hard to say what others think.

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