Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2744 No one’s

Luo Bi exploded a small flame duck beast, put it away and asked Zhu Xingshao: "Whose territory are you on?"

Zhu Xingshao didn't know, Pei Yang and others looked at each other, and Zhu Xingsu ran to ask the head of the family. The head of the Zhu family and Wu Shao looked at each other and couldn't figure out why Luo Bi kept asking this. No matter whose territory it was, it didn't belong to anyone else until they were attacked.

The mountains and forests are divided for you, and each combat team has a territory. Attack from the north to the south of Xiaozhu Mountain. The territory that is captured is called someone else's territory, and the territory that is not captured is not anyone's territory.

When attacking a planet, a combat team with strong combat power usually takes the front line, while the ones behind are weaker ones, or the hunting team is small in size and has a small number of people, so it is not suitable for the front line.

The danger factor of undeveloped planets is high, so all the combat teams attack together. It is rare for people like Luo Bi to open up the battlefield horizontally with array weapons. This makes the escort combat teams of the Zhu family and the Wu family very busy.

The eyes were full of supplies, and the Zhu family master was not idle, looking for old ginseng grass and digging it down.

Before Master Zhu could speak, Wu Shao killed a crystal beast, dug out the crystal and said to Zhu Xingsu: "Emperor Xing Rong Pei Yan's team, no matter whose team it is, we are changing the territory so quickly, so there is no need to worry about it."

Zhu Xingsu nodded and urged: "Hurry up and collect supplies. Luo Bi is impatient. After a short rest, he will probably go hunting for second-level exotic beasts again. I saw that there are relatively few Flame Duck Beasts here, and Luo Bi may not like it." ."

It didn't matter what he said. Zhu Xingsu reminded the guards that they couldn't hold their breath and wanted to scrape the ground and leave.

They left when there was a gust of wind, which made them feel very distressed.

Wu Shao thought about it and wanted to laugh. Master Zhu asked, "What's wrong?"

"Luo Bi's fighting method seems uneconomical at first glance, but it is not worthwhile to abandon a lot of supplies. In fact, it is not." Wu Shao smiled and took off his military uniform jacket to dig for spiritual plants. This spiritual plant grew well, so he had to dig it up no matter what. Most of it will do.

Wu Shao paused here. Everyone was in the upper class circles, and they were more open-minded than others. The head of the Zhu family was able to tell the truth at once, and he raised his eyebrows and thought about it after a moment.

The head of the Zhu family couldn't help but laugh angrily. Luo Bi opened the battlefield quickly and collected logistics quickly. What he pulled out were all good things.

With Luo Bi's temperament, if she doesn't like it, she doesn't want it. This is what she wanted.

The head of the Zhu family was a little worried that there were not enough little spoon arrays: "She said there were only a few such arrays, and I don't know how many she had blown up. Once they were all blown up, we had to return to the main battlefield quickly to avoid being cut off by alien beasts."

Wu Shao put away the dug spiritual plants, placed them in a bamboo basket, and walked away: "I'll go take a look."

Wu Shao walked up to Luo Bi. Luo Bi was exhausted. She sat there holding the cauldron and didn't want to move. Wu Shao asked, "How many little spoon arrays are left?"

Luo Bi moved the cauldron and let him see for himself. Wu Shao looked up and saw that the small spoon arrays in the cauldron were neatly arranged. Only the upper layer was used, and there were many more.

Wu Shao knew it by heart, and Luo Bi asked her what she had always been concerned about: "How many flaming duck beasts have you hunted?"

Wu Shao's mouth twitched: "Aren't you counting them one by one?"

"If I have to remember, I can ask you. I counted at first, but then I got confused." Luo Bi has always been like this, too serious. She goes through all kinds of strange beasts in her mind. If she consumes her brain like this, she won't be able to remember anymore.

Wu Shao was speechless: "Go back and count them together. There is no need to count them now."

Luo Bi didn't want to talk to her anymore and just let her mind rest.

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