Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2746 She wants to get rich silently

Luo Bi stopped hunting and walked forward carelessly. She wanted to make a fortune in silence, but she didn't want anyone to know how good the array she refined was. What she wanted was a certain amount of troop mobilization, and she was not interested in anything else.

The guards of the Lan family were all suspicious. Luo Bi had received a storage bracelet for the collected supplies. She didn't see them, but the supplies in front of her were enough to make people jealous. They called over and they took advantage of them first. What should they do?

Wu Shao was surprised when Luo Bi left. He walked over and said to Lan Rui, "We were walking around in the mountains and forests with a group of children. You are busy, we are going back."

Does this mean that the acquired territory is no longer needed? Lan Rui's eyes lit up and he didn't care about anything anymore. No matter what powerful equipment they had, it was important to collect supplies first.

The escort combat teams of the Wu family and the Zhu family had some supplies that unfortunately had not been collected, but Luo Bi asked a group of children to leave. It seemed that they had no need to compete with the Lan family combat team for supplies.

When they arrived at Wu Shao's territory, Luo Bi lost her momentum and looked at the time on the terminal. It was already past noon and everyone hadn't eaten yet. It was a waste of time to go back to eat.

Luo Bi simply didn’t mention it. Thunder Flame warriors consume a lot of food and eat a lot. Wu Shao and the Zhu family leader originally wanted to suggest something to eat, but Luo Bi said: "I don’t want to move after I rest, so let’s hunt for a while now." !”

When Wu Shao and the head of the Zhu family heard this, they didn't even mention taking a rest.

Then everyone was dumbfounded. Luo Bi did not continue to charge all the way. She started to attack from this mountain forest to the north. The little fox beast and the little pig were left to the two escort combat teams, as well as the alien beasts with combat power and above. She was seeing One kills one.

The Wu family's security team looked at each other, somewhat confused: "Why are you always fighting on our territory?"

Luo Bi had been fighting from west to east, carving a sideways path through the mountains and forests, and then fought back the same way when he reached the Rong family's territory. There was nothing wrong with this, but why did he separate when he reached the Wu family's territory?

You should continue to fight towards the Zhu family!

At this time, the Zhu family's escort team was still happy. From south to north, it was not far from the Wu family's main battlefield. The mountains and forests were lush and green, so they couldn't see each other, but in fact, they were only a mile apart.

Luo Bi went to kill them with all her strength. When she saw Wu Xuan and the others, Luo Bi turned around and went back to where they came from.

Wu Niao: "????"

The converging escort combat teams: "······"

When the Wu family escort team following Luo Bi saw Luo Bi returning, they waved their hands to their own team and ran away after them. It was so easy to fight all the way here and then fight back without stopping.

That's right, I don't quite understand what Luo Bi means.

After returning, Luo Bi started to attack the Zhu family's territory again and opened up a similar area. Luo Bi glanced north. Everyone was excited, Mom, what are you doing? !

What can you do? Luo Bi rested for a while, and then picked and killed strange beasts on the Zhu family's territory. The small fox beasts and pig beasts were dealt with by the Thunder Flame Warriors. She just killed the ones with higher combat power.

Luo Bi became less and less energetic as she fought, and Patriarch Zhu noticed it: "Take a break and eat something before fighting again."

"No, the two sides haven't merged yet." Luo Bi took a breath and continued to fight north. As he hit, he felt that the area on the left and right was getting smaller, and he opened it up a bit, blasting the alien beasts again.

Convergence and fight back? ? !

The Wu family's territory was just like this, fighting from south to north, meeting the main battlefield and then fighting back.

But even so, doesn't this stop you from taking a breather?

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