Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2747 Zhu family’s

Wu Shao and the head of the Zhu family really couldn't figure out Luo Bi's temperament. Luo Bi didn't rest. They were worried that she would be tired and there was nothing they could do, so they could only try their best to clean up the little fox beasts and pig beasts.

Luo Bi was really exhausted, so she looked forward after exploding a strange beast, hoping to join up with the Zhu family's team that was opening the battlefield.

Bai Juan asked: "Luo Bi, what are you looking at?"

"I'll see when we can meet up." Luo Bi replied to him.

The child didn't know why: "Where to fight when we meet?"

Luo Bi was very annoyed: "Let's go and fight on our own territory."

The child understood, and the others listened and sped up their movements. Luo Bi's attack on Wu's territory and Zhu's territory was different from before. She didn't give everyone a chance to collect.

Fortunately, it was the Zhu family's territory, so no one felt bad about the supplies being unable to escape.

Luo Bi exploded a second-level alien beast and saw the Zhu family's battlefield from a distance through the trees. She quit and turned back to Wu Shao and Zhu's family and said, "Okay, I won't care about you anymore. I'll knock down the territory for you." Now, I’m back to my own territory.”

Zhu family children: "······"

Two combatants: "???!!"

Wu Shao and the Zhu family looked at each other, and now they understood what was going on. Everyone's expressions were incomprehensible, and they all felt that it was a bit unbelievable. No wonder Luo Bi was tossing around in their territory, so that's what happened.

But what kind of temper is this? You have to conquer the territory for them.

I have seen it real, but I have never seen it so real.

Wu Shao smiled and didn't know what to say. He had seen a lot of twists and turns. This was the first time he met Luo Bi. He didn't say anything about the territory being conquered at the beginning. He didn't talk about it until it was conquered.

Compared with those sweet-mouthed people, Guang Guang can actually say a lot more.

"You kid, you don't have to be like this." The head of the Zhu family said politely, but he couldn't help it. He was used to being in this circle, and he really wasn't used to someone like Luo Bi, who just came up to help fight for a piece of territory.

Can’t the Wu family and the Zhu family take over this territory? Naturally, they can defeat it. The two combat teams are very powerful, but it will only take a little effort. Equipment, energy fluids, and elixirs will inevitably be consumed in large quantities.

Both families were short of talented people, so they were naturally happy to be able to save this equipment and resources, but they were just a little confused by Luo Bi's operation.

It's no wonder that everyone was a little confused, and they followed each other to kill the strange beasts on their own designated territory. Luo Bi didn't reveal any of his intentions, and suddenly told you to give it to you. No one was happy and couldn't believe it.

"Follow me to hunt, you won't have time to fight anymore." Luo Bi saw everyone's surprise and explained: "Other combat teams have advanced a little, we can't let them rush to the front."

Yes, Wu Shao and Master Zhu understand. No matter what, they cannot let others take the lead.

Zhu Xiang led the team over to gather and clean up a few scattered little fox beasts and pig beasts. When Bai Juan saw a few spiritual plants with red leaves, his eyes lit up and he ran over to dig them out.

Luo Bi called out to him: "We don't want it, it belongs to the Zhu family."

It belongs to whomever she knocks it down, and she doesn't want even a single spiritual plant.

The Bunting simply stopped digging for the ginseng plant that it was interested in. The spiritual plants were not allowed to be dug, and the ginseng plant was naturally not allowed to be dug. The children of the Zhu family looked here and there, smiling with their lips pursed.

The Zhu family guard was startled, and he paused with his stretched out hand. He knew it was from his family, so he dug it out. They followed Luo Bi to open up the territory. When Luo Bi said it, they thought they had dug up someone else's property.

The Wu family combat team members went to rest.

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