Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2751 I’m so used to it

This is strange!

Zhan Zai didn't even think about going over to the nearby battlefield to take a look. Without him, the Zhu family's territory was allocated to Luo Bi with a small piece of forest. Zhan Zai knew that there was no need to care.

If there are other talented people, Zhan Zai can consider opening up the battlefield together, but forget it Luo Bi. This woman has been spoiled by her family and has to lead a group of children when she goes on a mission. What can you expect from her.

Zhan Erduo glanced over there, and Zhan Hui used his superpower to attack a first-level alien beast that had been fighting for a long time. The first-level alien beast had rough skin and thick flesh, and had little response to a fireball attack.

Zhan Hui sneered, "Luo Bi is so lazy at home, she really doesn't look like her."

A very disdainful look.

In this way, Zhan Zai stopped thinking about it. He thought that if Luo Bi had some ability, the Luo family would not deny him resources. Luo Bi was not among the talented people who led the team.

Luo Yuan and Zhan Hui have been raising each other for such a long time. Zhan Hui's combat power is at the beginning level. The strong gene is not as restless as before. As long as the battle is not long, the strong gene is no problem.

Luo Yuan's body has also recovered. She has gained a gratifying harvest today. She has hunted dozens of first-level exotic beasts from morning to now, which is no worse than other talents.

Both Luo Sha and Luo Wan returned to the Emperor Star. Luo Yuan wanted to take the opportunity to harvest more supplies. She would be lying if she said she was not jealous. Luo Yuan knew that there was a big gap between them, so she tried her best to be diligent in completing tasks.

No one is as capable as she is, and Luo Yuan knows this very well.

As for Luo Bi, Luo Yuan wanted to compete, but Luo Bi could play with her will, but she couldn't, so she couldn't do it without her, so she could only think about going back to find Luo Bi on a mission to show off.

The winged beast roared angrily, and several people in the Zhanjia escort team were injured. Luo Yuan was startled, thinking of the elixir in her hand, and took out a few bottles with distress. She didn't have much elixir to refine.

Zhan Hui knew how much equipment and resources Luo Yuan had. He frowned and worked with other Thunder Flame warriors to kill the first-level alien beast. Only then could he have time to lay siege to the winged alien beast.

Among the strange beasts with the same fighting power, the ones with wings are more difficult to deal with.

The injured combatants stepped aside, and those who were able to fight continued to fight. The shouts of killing could not be heard here. The head of the Zhu family and Wu Shao looked at each other and sent people over to inquire about the situation.

Luo Bi became more energetic and ran back with a small native pig: "Is it a duck beast?"

She was very curious about the Flame Duck Beast, but unfortunately this area was completely blown up by her, and she couldn't find even one. If there was a Flame Duck Beast on the Zhanjia battlefield, she wouldn't necessarily go and grab it, but she couldn't hear the sound.

Wu Shao twitched the corner of his mouth and thought, "You've blown it up. Where can I get the Flame Duck Beast?"

Wu Shao said objectively: "It shouldn't be the Flame Duck Beast."

Luo Bi didn't believe it, and soon the inquirer came back: "There are several winged beasts on the Zhan family's battlefield, with first-level combat power and strong attack power. They are difficult to kill for a while."

Wu Shao waved his hand, and his men hurriedly went to collect supplies. There were still more than a dozen fields of millet and grain that had not been harvested.

Zhu Xingshao and others discovered a rabbit and a pheasant in the forest. With a gesture, a group of children rushed towards them, scaring the rabbits and pheasants into hiding in the bushes. At that time, they only found a rabbit and a pheasant.

They couldn't catch it even when they found it. A group of anxious children went all over the forest to catch pheasants and rabbits.

As evening approached, the temperature was still hot and dry, and everyone's clothes were soaked with sweat.

Luo Bi glanced at the sky and said to the Zhu family leader: "No more collection, let's go back together!"

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