Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2752 Return to Zhihuang Star

She didn't want to hunt, and wanted to ask others to go with her.

The sun is still hanging in the sky, it is hot in the mountains and forests, and there are still several hours before dark. Summer is long and it is not dark until eight o'clock. Naturally, the Zhu family leader does not agree to go back at this time.

"It's only mid-afternoon and it's not dark yet. Let's go back when it gets dark." The Zhu family's men are constantly moving. There are abundant supplies here. The Zhan family can find clues and come to grab them with a little effort. No one dares to slack off.

The head of the Zhu family asked: "Do you want to go back so early?"

"Collect it here and then go back." Luo Bi saw the spiritual plants and the like, but left immediately without saying anything: "Let's go back together later. The guards have been busy all day and will share some supplies with you."

The head of the Zhu family was moved, but he still said: "Let's go back when it gets dark. It's too early to go back now. If you are tired, eat something and rest for a while. We will go after searching for supplies."

While the head of the Zhu family coaxed the children, Luo Bi opened a box of nutritional milk and shared it with a group of little Leiyan warriors.

After Wu Shao discussed with the Zhu family leader, he was worried that Luo Bi would leave as soon as he said he would go back, so he ordered the escort team members to speed up their actions and scour as much of the captured territory as possible.

When I caught up with Luo Bi and led the team to defeat it, it couldn't be justified if I didn't pull it.

There is no shop like this after passing this village, so hurry up!

Luo Bi no longer had the energy to work. The grass and trees shook, there was a squealing sound, and a group of piglets ran over from the south of the mountain forest. Luo Bi slowly opened the small defensive shield, found the jade sword and went over to kill the pig beast.

Zhu Xingshao and others were worried at first, but when they saw Luo Bi opened the defensive shield, they were no longer so worried.

Luo Bi swung her sword and killed a little pig beast. She was stunned for a moment, and then she felt happy. Then she killed one after another. The previous negativity was wiped away. Killing the pig beasts was so satisfying.

This time Luo Bi didn't say she was leaving. She was still playing and poaching crystal stones to keep her from leaving.

"Five, eleven..." At first, Luo Bi was counting, but later she was fighting and counting, and her head hurt from counting. She stopped counting. Luo Bi never had the patience.

When it got dark, I collected an overview of the land I had laid, and carefully looked for mushrooms and the like. However, the Zhu family and Wu Shao were not greedy and ordered them to go down and clean up the land and return to the rock platform.

Zhu Xiang and Wu Nuo led the team to stay and continue to attack the planet, while the others loaded up their supplies and left.

Luo Bi had collected most of the supplies, so it was not eye-catching for everyone to return to the rock platform. Worrying about the loss of nutritional energy of the food, they quickly returned to Zhihuang Star.

When they arrived at Zhihuang Star, everyone went straight to the material warehouse assigned to the first combat team.

The head of the Zhu family, Wu Shao and others were not able to inquire about Luo Bi's supplies. They were washing in the yard and carrying down baskets of supplies. Luo Bi went to the supply warehouse to throw out the prey.

Luo Bi walked to the yard, washed her hands, and poured water to cool down. It was too hot today.

The yard was full of harvested ingredients and fruits. Luo Bi was exhausted and said to Zhu Family Master and Wu Shao: "Divide the ingredients and fruits equally. I don't have time to sort them out. It's hard to preserve them. Let's divide them all!"

Wu Shao and the Zhu family leader were surprised. They never expected that Luo Bi would divide the ingredients equally. The harvest this time was quite large, and the baskets were divided equally among the young and old.

Wu Shao said, "If you give us more, you can give us less."

"I don't lack these." Luo Bi picked out another hundred first-level exotic beasts and distributed them to Wu Shao and the Zhu family master respectively.

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