Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2773 Pick the Small One

Luo Bi looked at the small crystal beasts one by one. She had seen crystal beasts before, and this was the first time she had seen the small crystal beasts. They looked a bit like the crystal beasts. They were smaller in size and looked very strong.

"Wu Cheng, what is this?!" Luo Bi was surprised and a little confused.

Wu Cheng said: "Little crystal beast!"

Luo Bi smiled. This kind of small rhinoceros-like crystal beast is quite interesting. There are blazing crystals on its back. There are one, two, and three. The calcined spar is not big, but it is very beautiful. It looked so good that she wanted to harvest it and save it.

The blazing crystals on the small crystal beast are different from those on the crystal beast. They are refining materials and are not easy to save in quantity. Unlike the crystal beast, one crystal beast has twenty-four blazing crystals, which is a lot.

There were still energy stones left on the Bi Fei sword. Xue Zhijiao, Wu Cheng, Pei Yang, Bai Juan and other Little Thunder Flame warriors drank the energy liquid and charged into the team of little crystal beasts with their swords.

Soon, students from each class were fighting with the small crystal beasts.

Many small hunting teams and small mercenary groups also chose this bamboo forest mountain range in order to earn interstellar coins because of the weak combat power of small crystal beasts and their lack of strength.

Anyone who wants to earn some interstellar coins comes here to fight.

In fact, this kind of hunting is most suitable for women and children to earn pocket money.

The small crystal beasts live in groups, and there are so many of them. Looking around, they are all mingling in the green bamboo forest, and the dust on the ground is flying.

Fortunately, there was a light rain at night and the ground was moist, otherwise it would have been very dusty.

Bai Rui didn't dare to fight, so she followed other talented people and children who were worried about being injured, and climbed up a small rocky mountain on the higher ground. Climbing the hillside was not easy even in a gauze skirt, so she held up the hem of her skirt and adjusted it before climbing. superior.

Wei Zi took a deep breath and raised the jade sword to hunt the small crystal beast on the periphery. This small crystal beast was a cub of crystal beasts and its combat power was not as good as that of an adult small crystal beast. Wei Zi planned to practice his skills before challenging the big ones. .

Huang Xinling picked an adult small crystal beast from the side. There were more than ten of them running past Pei Yang and Bai Juan. The number of small crystal beasts was scattered at the edge of the battlefield.

Wei Zi picked one, Huang Xinling liked one, Tong Shanshan from the next class, Lin Xin, and Meng Gan picked out their targets respectively. Some picked the smaller ones, while others picked the bigger ones.

Among the several talented people who were ready to fight, Wei Zi was interested in the little crystal beast Xiao Xiao. She had high physical ability, but she chose the smallest one. Luo Bi wanted to laugh when she saw it.

There are cases where two people pick one, and it's impossible for each other to say who is attracted to which little crystal beast, so it's hard to say who gets it, and whoever is unreasonable gets it.

Why do you say that?

The small crystal beasts that were not killed by the Little Thunder Flame Warriors were quickly harvested and taken away by the team's logistics personnel before they had time to harvest the crystals, which made people very angry.

Now everyone is overly cautious and calls on talented people and children to team up and let the logistics harvest the crystals.

It’s not good to be robbed all the time, and I’m not stupid.

Otherwise, if you don't get hurt in the battle, you will be angry to death, and no one will have a big belly.

Bai Rui, Guan Tingting, Chen Ran, and Huang Yiling hurried down the rock mountain and joined the logistics team. They did not dare to fight, so they were very suitable for harvesting blazing crystals and earning pocket interstellar coins.

Luo Bi took the jade sword and installed a small energy stone. She had no shortage of energy stones, so there was no need to save them. Besides, Luo Bi didn't have low-level energy stones, so just use a small one.

There are several small crystal beasts running to the edge of the bamboo forest. Which one should I choose to hunt? !

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