Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2774 Not rare

Luo Bi looked at the small crystal beast and had no idea what to do. She was in good physical condition, but when it came to choosing an adult small crystal beast, Luo Bi was worried that she wouldn't be able to play with it. Besides, the things she cared about were quite complex.

In this way, there is no way to pick and choose.

Luo Bi took the lead here and still had time to watch the others fight. Wei Tzu and the little crystal beast cub were circling among the rocks. Huang Xinling couldn't beat the small crystal beast she picked up, so she howled in excitement, and quickly started hunting with Meng Gan and Lin Xin.

Huang Yiling and others were busy grabbing the small crystal beasts to harvest the blazing crystals. The small round crystals were not big, and they could be sold for interstellar coins after harvesting. They were very happy every time they harvested one.

Besides, as you gain more, your talent level can also be improved.

Wei Zi had sharp eyes. He was fighting a small crystal beast cub here and saw another small crystal beast cub. He quickly called Luo Bi over: "Luo Bi, there is another small crystal beast cub here."

When the others heard this, they ran over.

Wei Tzu: “·······”

So angry!

But there is some distance between each other, so you can't hear them without shouting.

Now it's okay, Luo Bi won't grab it anymore, it's just a small crystal beast cub. It's hard to grab it when there are too many people, so she won't join in the fun. Luo Bi didn't care if others snatched it. That's just her temper.

If it weren't for a small crystal beast cub, it would be impossible to harvest one more crystal stone.

Lu Xianyu came over wearing a gauze skirt and gave guidance: "You can team up with Wei Zi. She has high physical fitness. It is easier for two people to hunt. The small crystal beast still has some fighting power, but it is too weak."

Luo Bi hadn't made a choice yet, and was hesitant after hearing Lu Xianyu's words. Wei Zi chose a small crystal beast cub. It didn't seem right for her to get involved, so they might as well hunt separately.

But she saw that the little crystal beast cub had a piece of blazing crystal stone. Who is responsible for killing the little crystal beast? !

To Wei Tzu or to her?

Needless to say, the other people have average relationships, so forming a team is not bad enough.

This one is like this, that one is like that, there are many faults, so instead of doing this, it would be better not to form a team.

There were no small crystal beast cubs nearby. Luo Bi walked through the small battlefield beside the bamboo forest, intending to pick one from a group of small crystal beasts. No matter what, she had to choose a small one. She might not be able to pick a big one. Can beat it.

Luo Bi estimated that she could probably do it because of the small size of the little crystal beast.

I just haven't tried it, so I don't know each other's combat capabilities. You have to compete to know this thing. Do you think it's okay? Luo Bi saw the small crystal beast at first sight and despised this small strange beast from the bottom of her heart.

But look at Wei Tzu, he didn’t even kill any of the little ones.

Therefore, Luo Bi has been hesitating, picking and choosing but unable to decide.

Huang Xinling caught a glimpse of Luo Bi passing by and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to pick out the ones ahead to see if there are any small ones." Luo Bi pointed forward. The small crystal beasts in the bamboo forest mountains are distributed in different places. There are groups of them in this bamboo forest, but they are not many in number.

This is great, even more talented people and kids can’t beat it.

Huang Xinling raised her eyes and glanced: "There are not so many little crystal beast cubs, you just pick one."

If you have a small one, pick a small one. If you don’t have a small one, why choose?

"Let me see and then talk." Luo Bi paid attention to the battle on both sides. There were several times when the small crystal beast got close. She could have taken action but she didn't care. She was not in a team with the others and had a normal relationship, so there was no need to intervene.

If it were anyone else, they would have bought it, but not Robby.

Everyone was picking small crystal beasts, and one of them was snatched away by others. Before Luo Bi could pick one, a small crystal beast rushed over.

This is the one, I don’t want to pick any more.

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