Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2778: Extremely jealous

The scorching sunshine at noon was shining down, and everyone was extremely hot.

The talented people were looking for cool rocky hills to rest one after another. It was cooler under the clusters of bamboos on the hill, which was better than being exposed to the sun, but it was still hot and completely different from the comfort at home.

It's not cool to wear a gauze skirt. The talented people are in a bad mood and speak in harsh tones.

After the battle, there was a lot of consumption, and some hunting teams were busy preparing for lunch. Seeing this, everyone in the battle of the small crystal beasts was no longer in the mood to hunt, and called others to pick up the small rock mountain.

Everyone was hungry by now, and only a few people were still fighting under the scorching sun.

Wei Zi looked up and climbed onto the rock. Zhang Wuer wanted to invite her to come with him to get closer to each other, but Wei Zi didn't respond. She preferred to be with Luo Bi and the others.

The little girl's face turned red from the sun. She stepped onto the rock and said, "It's too hot today."

Feeling hot in her heart, Bai Juan handed her a bottle of water. Wei Zi opened it and drank several sips. Then she calmed down a little and ran to the spring to wash her face to cool down.

"How many pieces of blazing crystal have you harvested?" Bai Juan asked Wei Zi curiously.

Wu Cheng and Pei Yang were also curious. Luo Bi was lucky enough to harvest a rare blazing crystal, which stimulated them. They wondered if others would also kill the small crystal beast with a rare blazing crystal.

It's hard for others to ask, and they may not be able to tell if they ask, but Wei Tzu can do it.

Luo Bi thought the same thing and looked over. She also wanted to know if Wei Zi had harvested a rare piece.

The jade swords she and Wei used were all superpowers imported by Wei. Other than that, everyone hunted in the same way. There was no reason why the little crystal beast she killed had rare blazing crystals.

Wei Zi sat down, poured out the blazing crystal stone and said, "I'll count."

Wu Cheng and others glanced at the blazing crystals and made eye contact with each other. There were no rare blazing crystals. Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, then searched again, and found that there was indeed no rare flaming stone.

Wei Zi didn't know anything, so he quickly counted: "I harvested twenty blazing crystal stones."

A few pieces of blazing spar are not rare for Wu Cheng, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan. After seeing the rare ones, this ordinary blazing spar is not enough. Luo Bi is just earning interstellar coins.

"What about you?" Wei Zi asked.

Wu Cheng, Pei Yang, and Bai Juan all counted, but Luo Bi still had the same eleven pieces, and she didn't show off.

Bai Juan talked to Wei Zi, and Wei Zi said: "..."

Wei Zi didn't believe it and said to Luo Bi, "Let me see if it's okay?"

Luo Bi took the small wicker basket and showed it to her. Wei Zi's eyes were red. Why didn't she find a small crystal beast with rare blazing crystals? This is a good thing!

"How did you hunt?" Wei Zi was extremely jealous.

Luo Bi looked at her without saying a word. Who did she ask? She wanted to pick the one to hunt, but before she could pick one, a small crystal beast ran over. She hunted whichever one came to her. Who knows why it still grew? Rare flaming stone.

Luo Bi was still surprised, so she said, "You might as well ask me about the little crystal beast. I can't tell what it looks like unless it's harvested."

Wei Tzu: “·······”

Wu Chengdu laughed angrily: "When we fight again, we will pick fights."

Bai Juan immediately ran to the rock and watched for a long time, but saw nothing. The little crystal beast is like this. The blazing crystal has not been harvested, so you can't tell whether it is rare or ordinary just by looking at it.

"How do you choose this?" Bai Juan ran back anxiously.

No one answered this, they were all busy gathering ingredients and still busy after dinner.

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