Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2779 Not used to it

Luo Bi thought for a moment and asked Wei Zi: "Do you still have the superpower on your jade sword?"

When her powers are gone, we'll figure out a solution together. She's almost exhausted, but there's still a little left. Girls are like this, they like to be together, especially Luo Bi. At this time, she wanted to be with Wei Zi.

"It's all gone." Wei Zi was exhausted in the battle and was thinking about it in his heart, so he said: "After dinner, we will go to Qingyao Star to find my cousin and ask her to introduce super powers to us."

Luo Bi was impatient and wanted to go now: "Fengling called me and told me that she had cooked delicious food. I want to go to Qingyao Star."

Wei Zi was easy to talk to and nodded in agreement.

Wu Cheng asked Lan Rui to drive a limited edition military suspension sports car and accompanied Luo Bi and Wei Zi to Qingyao Star. The two planets are not far apart, only about twenty minutes away, and we arrived as soon as we talked.

At the base of the legion combat team that attacked the planet, the elites of the first combat team rested on the rocky mountain. The meat of the alien beasts was grilled on the grill. The meat of the alien beasts containing energy can replenish the physical energy consumed.

Fengling knew that Luo Bi was coming, so she ordered Li Feng to grill a handful of vegetable skewers. When she saw Luo Bi going up the rocky mountain, Fengling's eyebrows were filled with a smile, reaching into her eyes, which made several talented people curl their lips.

"It's just to kill small crystal beasts, what's the big deal." Some people laughed, but she was refined. Following the legion combat team to attack the planet is much more honorable than earning pocket money.

The person next to me asked: "What is she doing in Qingyao Star?"

"Probably just want to show off."

She married a husband with a high military rank and a good family background. Most of the time she came here to show off that she was well married. Several people talked in low voices, Jiang Xinger pretended not to hear, and Zhou Ya sneered, thinking the same thing as everyone else.

No matter how well you marry, you still don't have to kill small crystal beasts to earn pocket money.

Fengling pulled Luo Bi to the mountain wall with rocks and flowing water. Roger, Qin Yilang, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, and Wei Yu were already seated at the dining table. Luo Bi and Wei Zi went to wash their hands under the spring. The water flow was very strong. cool.

Roger smiled and asked: "How many pieces of blazing crystal have you harvested?"

"Eleven yuan." Luo Bi smiled back at him and refused to tell him that she had harvested rare flaming stones.

Roger raised his eyebrows and looked surprised: "So many?"

Luo Bi didn't want to talk to him. She asked several people out of curiosity. A dozen dollars really wasn't much. Who was Roger trying to fool? !

Luo Bi sat next to Fengling, her tired mood relieved a little. Fengling had prepared nutritional milk and the like in her storage ring. She opened a bottle and gave it to Luo Bi: "It's hot today, are you tired from hunting?"

Luo Bi killed the small crystal beasts one by one. She felt fresh and did not feel tired. She shook her head and said: "I'm not tired. I think it's like playing."

Fengling curled her lips, with a bit of fondness on her face, and stood up to get a handful of roasted vegetable skewers for Luo Bi: "Eat, there are still river delicacies that haven't been roasted, so don't eat too many vegetable skewers."

Luo Bi picked out a bunch of grilled mushrooms and said "hmm". She likes grilled river fresh food.

No one cares about Wei Zi, and no one cares about her.

Wei Zi looked at Wei Yu, who glared at her. He didn't care if she was thirsty or not. He would take whatever he ate. Wei Yu was not used to it: "How many pieces of blazing crystal have you harvested this morning?"

Wei Zi pouted and said, "Twenty dollars, not all morning. It was already half morning when we arrived at Zihuang Star. I will definitely be able to harvest a few more Blazing Crystals in the afternoon. I am already familiar with fighting."

Wei Yu snorted, obviously looking down on Wei Zi's gains. Wei Zi was so shocked that he let out a depressed sigh and wanted to ignore Wei Zi.

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