Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2780 Wind Power

Luo Bi wanted to laugh when she saw it. It was probably because fighting consumes a lot of food, and everything tastes delicious.

Li Feng baked the roasted river fresh food, and Jiang Yixin went and brought back a plate of roasted river clams. Zhou Ya saw it and winked at Jiang Xinger, and the two of them also went and brought a plate of roasted river clams.

Luo Bi took away a plate of roasted river delicacies, and Zhou Ya was dissatisfied: "We contributed to the army's attack on the planet, and she had the nerve to share the delicious river delicacies. There was not enough for everyone."

Jiang Xi'er knew how to be a good person, so she gave her a few words of advice: "Why don't you eat enough? Just give it a try."

Jiang Zhuer gave some more to Zhou Ya and put it on her small plate so that others would be embarrassed to eat it in front of her. The other talented people looked at each other and hurriedly put the river delicacies on the small plate in front of them.

Roger ate barbecue and discussed the battle with Fengling and Qin Yilang. Nowadays, the attack on the planet is slow, the equipment and resources are insufficient, and the legions have no intention of taking down the entire planet. They only need to attack the previous hunting areas.

Roger was dissatisfied with the refining and extraction, so he got up and went to beat the talented people. The legion used a lot of resources to support them, so it would be unacceptable if the refining and extraction were not strong enough.

Luo Bi saw it and felt happy in her heart. She had something good! There was no need to extract or refine it, but she didn't talk about it while eating, and she was secretly happy.

Wei Yu and Fengling were discussing military affairs. Wei Zi hesitated to speak. Luo Bi had a high-grade blazing crystal! Wei Zi endured it for a long time before she said it. She didn't mention Luo Bi's things. Wei Zi was worried that Luo Bi would be unhappy if she told her.

Jiang Yixin noticed it and asked, "What are you happy about?"

Luo Bi said with a smile: "I won't tell you."

Feng Ling suddenly smiled. This woman had the temper of a child.

Roger beat Zhou Ya several times, but he still felt something was wrong. He looked at Luo Bi a few more times, and Luo Bi looked back with a smile. Roger chuckled and then stopped caring.

After dinner, Luo Bi gave the small wicker basket to Fengling. Fengling didn't think much about it and took it, intending to keep it for Luo Bi.

Luo Bi looked at Fei Ling and said nothing. Fei Ling's eyes flashed, and Luo Bi smiled and said, "I have harvested one high-grade flaming stone and two intermediate flaming stones for you to use."

Fengling never expected Luo Bi to be so lucky, so she immediately looked at the rare blazing crystal stone with a hint of surprise in her eyes. Then, the man found it funny that someone who earned pocket money could be so lucky that he harvested a rare flaming stone.

Fengling quickly calculated in his mind whether he could hunt a Warcraft. The undeveloped planet was full of dangers. If he could kill a Warcraft, there would be one missing. The equipment was not strong enough, and even the legions did not dare to fight against the Warcraft.

Luo Bike didn't care about this. She still wanted to know how to hunt with Zihuangxing. She handed the blazing crystal to Fengling and said, "The superpower that Wei Yu introduced to me is gone. You can introduce the superpower to me."

Fengling took the jade sword, introduced the wind power and handed it to Luo Bi, who was eager to try it.

At this moment, Wei Yu also introduced superpowers into Wei Zi's Jade Sword, and Luo Bi called her and left. She harvested three rare blazing crystals in the morning, and she wanted to see if she could still hunt small crystal beasts with rare blazing crystals.

With this thought, Luo Bi couldn't hold back her anger.

Fengling packed a bag of food and brought it to Luo Bi, saying, "Don't be tired. Go home after you've had enough fun."

Luo Bi agreed, and Wei Zi stood by, not even jealous.

As soon as Luo Bi and Wei Zi left, Fengling took out the rare blazing crystal. Luo Jie and Qin Yilang were shocked. No one else had such luck. They couldn't accept it.

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