Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2797 She has good things

When Roger looked at such a flaming spoon, he immediately thought of energy gold balls and energy wooden balls.

Roger is not sure about Archon Pei Jing. He remembers that Pei Jing has a baby beast at home. The arrays refined by Luo Bi all have a bad temper. If he is not happy, the two energy attribute balls will not play with you and will be blown up for you. look.

Roger pulled up a chair and sat down, dialed a message to the consul Pei Jing, and asked: "Have you given away your baby beast or raised it at home? Little Golden Ball and Little Wooden Ball are not making trouble, right?!"

At the dinner table, no one bothered Roger to dial the communication. After all, the Lingzhi array was turned on and it was gone after being exploded. Neither Fengling nor Hua Ran could care less.

Besides, the array was refined by Luo Bi, so it's not good to just ignore it.

The consul over there, Pei Jing, glanced at the little golden ball and the little wooden ball: "No trouble, I'm paying attention."

Roger chuckled and said: "As long as you are not partial."

Roger hung up the call and was still worried, so he made up his mind to visit Pei Jing's mansion when he had time. If Pei Jing was biased, Roger would bring energy gold balls and energy wooden balls back to the garrison base to make Pei Jing biased enough.

Roger had something to eat in the private room, then got up and went to several reserved private rooms in Lenglie. Everyone was waiting there, so it was hard not to go. Luo Jieqiang was restless and took the opportunity to buy the soothing elixir from the gifted consort.

When I got home after dinner, the rain continued unabated, and the heavy rain washed away the dust on everything.

Luo Bi was too full and was walking around on the large balcony, while Fengling went to the study to handle military affairs. Guessing that it was time to go to bed, Fengling got up, straightened the quilt, and asked Luo Bi to sleep.

Luo Bi was in the second bedroom, looking at the wilted little green radish and sighing. It was hard to preserve this thing, and it would be wilted if it was no longer used. But she didn't want to go on a mission from the bottom of her heart. How could this be cured? !

Luo Bi returned to the bedroom, and Fengling asked, "What's wrong?"

"The little green radishes I planted are wilted! The tassels of the radish are no longer fresh..." Luo Bi was confused. Do you think she is on a mission or not? ! She doesn't want to go.

Fengling's mouth twitched: "It's too small to eat."

She actually looked down on the small green radishes she planted? ! Luo Bi let out a long breath, but she didn't say what the little green radish was for. She just pretended to do everything, but Luo Bi didn't do that.

Don’t talented people like to be in the limelight? She has good things, but she just doesn't take them out, and she doesn't let people know if they are broken. That's what she thought, but Luo Bi felt distressed and nestled into the man's arms to think about it.

Fengling said warmly: "Sleep."

Luo Bi was indeed sleepy and fell asleep quickly after hearing this. Feng Ling curled her lips, hugged her and stared at Luo Bi for a long time, then turned off the light and went to sleep with satisfaction.

The next day Fengling looked at Luo in her arms and felt soft in her heart. She got up and went to the big balcony to make breakfast.

Luo Bi found it troublesome, even cooking, but Fengling was very concerned about Luo Bi's diet. He held Luo Bi in his hands and doted on him. He had to raise her well no matter what. Fengling opened the food box and took out fresh mushrooms. She picked two spring shrimps and packed them out to catch the river soup. She also put in a young ginseng grass. .

After making mushroom soup, Fengling grilled a piece of exotic animal meat. After breakfast was ready, he went to the bedroom.

Fengling guessed that Luo Bi hadn't woken up yet, so she opened the door very lightly. Luo Bi was indeed still sleeping on the bed. Fengling didn't want to wake her up, so she closed the door and went to the large balcony to eat.

After dinner, Fengling went back to the bedroom and kissed Luo Bi. Then she took her military uniform jacket and went to the military headquarters. He had military affairs to attend to and couldn't stay with Luo Bi at home.

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