Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2798 Good family background

It was raining in the sky in the morning, drifting away, blowing away the heat of summer.

The air was good in the morning of the rainy day. Luo Bi woke up and turned over comfortably to continue sleeping. Unfortunately, she couldn't fall asleep listening to the patter of rain, so she simply got up to wash up and eat.

Luo Bi didn't like to eat soup by the spoonful. She looked at the green mountain scenery in the distance from the large balcony, picked up river delicacies and wanted to eat it, but then she lost her appetite. It didn't taste good without meat.

She tasted the tender ginseng grass. It was bitter and tasted more and more as she tasted it.

After clearing away the dishes, Luo Bi called Qin Cui, He Xiang, and Wei Zi one by one, asking if they were going on a mission? There is no need to ask the Thunder Flame warriors, they will definitely go on missions when they have time.

When Qin Cui picked up the communication, Luo Bi didn't make any preparations and asked, "Qin Cui, are you going on a mission?"

"I'm not going." Qin Cui said in a depressed mood: "I made an appointment with someone to go shopping."

Luo Bi refused to go shopping and hung up the communication: "Then go ahead!"

He turned back to dial He Xiang and Wei Zi. As soon as they got up, He Xiang said: "I'm not going on a mission anymore. I'm resting at home. Come over and play! It's boring to be at home."

Luo Bi's heart moved: "I'll go there right away."

He Xiang's dormitory and apartment complex were not far away. Luo Bi strolled past. He Xiang was having breakfast, and Wei Zi came to open the door. While He Xiang was eating, Luo Bi and Wei Zi were enjoying the scenery on the large balcony.

He Xiang made scented tea for the two of them and sat down to chat about shopping, current jewelry, and styles of clothes.

After sitting at He Xiang's house for a while, Luo Bi said, "Let's go play at my house..."

When He Xiang and Wei Zi heard this, they got up and followed Luo Bi's house.

Lan Qiao was not on a mission, and it was raining and it was not suitable for planting. When she saw He Xiang and Wei Zi coming to play, she thought of Zhang Cheng's instructions and enthusiastically asked He Xiang and others to go to her house to play.

The hospitality was hard to refuse, so everyone went to Lan Qiao's house. Lan Qiao was busy making tea and water, and serving melon and fruit plates.

"Didn't you go to the planting fields?" He Xiang asked politely.

Lan Qiao waved her hand: "Don't mention it, it's raining too hard. Let's wait until it stops."

A few people had just chatted for a while when someone came to the door again. He Xiang opened the door and brought a girl named Zhang Yini to the big balcony.

Luo Bi and Wei Zi looked over. Luo Bi didn't know these two girls. They looked like they were talented people because of their clothes. The material of the gauze skirt was average, which showed that their family background was average and their personal talents were not necessarily that good.

Wei Ting whispered to Luo Bi: "Her name is Zhang Yini."

Wei Zi's expression was similar to that of a good show, so Luo Bi took a closer look at the girl named Zhang Yini. She looked quite pretty and very reserved.

Lan Qiao asked: "Zhang Yini, why do you have time to come to my house?"

Zhang Yini smiled sheepishly: "I couldn't get through to Lieutenant Colonel Lan. I'm very worried about him. Going on a mission on a rainy day is very dangerous. I wonder how the hunting situation of Zihuangxing is?"

Um? Luo Bi heard some meaning. It couldn't be the same as Zhang Wu'er, right? !

"How about I dial the communication and ask?!" Lan Qiao turned on the communicator and asked.

Zhang Yini nodded, with a bit of gratitude in his eyes. Luo Bi looked away with a sneer on his face, and asked Wei Zi in a low voice: "Is Lan Ze engaged? I remember her fiancée's name is Hang Heng."

Wei Zi nodded with a smile: "Lan Ze has a high military rank and a good family background, so he is very popular."

Luo Bihehe: "I didn't see it."

Anyway, if she and Lan Ze don't deal with each other, they won't like it no matter what.

Wei Tzu: “·······”

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