Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2799 Who gives it to you?

"Lanze is pretty good!" Wei Zi muttered. Lanze didn't like her on her terms, otherwise she would have gotten in.

Lan Ze had a good family background, outstanding personal ability, and a high military position. There were few women who were not attracted to him, but Luo Bi looked down on him. Wei Zi didn't even know what Luo Bi was thinking.

Luo Bi looked at Zhang Yini, came up and said, "A rag picker."

Wei Tzu: “·······”

Wei Zi couldn't answer. She didn't know what to say at all. Such a popular Imperial Lieutenant Colonel was degraded to this level by Luo Bi. Therefore, anything she said was in vain.

Not far away, Lan Qiao dialed the call. Zhang Yini glanced at He Xiang and the others, quickly lowered her head and grabbed her skirt with her hands. She knew that Lan Ze's circle was different from hers.

He Xiang was wearing a high-end fairy dress, and her whole body was full of fairy spirit. The brand of Luo Bi's fairy dress could not be identified, but the price was not low at first glance. Even Wei Zi's jewelry was more expensive than Zhang Yini's.

Zhang Yini took a deep breath and made up her mind to ask before leaving. She didn't want to be looked down upon.

There has never been a moment like this when Zhang Yini felt so ashamed of himself. He Xiang had a high level of talent and the dazzling jade jewelry on his body made He Xiang even more distinguished and noble.

Zhang Yini was also wearing a fairy skirt, but the price was so low that she couldn't compare with other people's skirts. She felt unspeakably disappointed after comparing her clothes. Looking at Lan Qiao again, she regained her balance and raised her chin slightly.

Lan Qiao hung up the call: "No call."

"What should we do?" Zhang Yini asked worriedly: "With such heavy rain, Lieutenant Colonel Lan will encounter a powerful beast."

Lan Qiao was also a little worried, but she still said: "The Thunder Flame warriors are very powerful..."

Zhang Yini became more and more anxious as he thought about it, and Luo Bi couldn't stand it anymore: "Yuleiyan warriors bigger than this can hunt, aren't you just so anxious? Besides, even if the undeveloped planet is full of dangers, you can't help. .”

Zhang Yini's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "You are gifted masters, right? Lieutenant Colonel Lan has a very high military rank. Can the equipment you refine be used by Lieutenant Colonel Lan?"

He Xiang was stunned, and Wei Zi was also stunned: "I don't have any equipment."

Luo Bi was not polite. Since this woman didn't know how much she weighed and asked for equipment from someone she didn't know well, there was no need for her to be polite: "Lanze can arrange the equipment himself if he needs it, so you don't need to worry about it."

Zhang Yini blinked: "But he's not at the garrison base!"

What an idiot! Luo Bi got angry and tried her best to hold back her anger and said: "Lan Ze is a lieutenant colonel. He has adjutants and escorts. The personal guards that can be mobilized are all on Zhihuang. Anyone can prepare equipment."

Who are you? If you want equipment, who will give it to you?

Luo Bi didn't even know her, and He Xiang and Wei Zi didn't seem to be familiar with her, but they had the nerve to prepare equipment for Lan Ze. Do you think you want a green onion seedling? I plucked it from the planting fields and gave it to you.

Zhang Yini was stunned. She came in a hurry, and the fairy skirt on her body was soaked by the rain. She looked very embarrassed at this time. She didn't expect Lan Ze's adjutant to prepare equipment. Shouldn't the escort team follow Lieutenant Colonel Lan? If the adjutant is unavailable, can the escort team prepare equipment?

"Aren't the escorts following Lieutenant Colonel Lan?" Zhang Yini murmured.

Luo Bi breathed in. What the hell does this mean? Does she need to explain to Zhang Yini? Lan Ze is very capable and maintains more than one escort team. Lan Ze can mobilize them whenever he wants.

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