Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2822 Others are also rare

Luo Bi is bored at home, how fun it would be to go on a mission!

Refining it at home? Luo Bi really didn't want to, she was just playful.

But Luo Bi knew very well that women were a burden on unexplored planets. It was okay for Wei Zi to be in good physical condition. At least Wei Zi was strong and logistical work was not a problem.

Even if it's digging wild vegetables and collecting ingredients, Wei Zi can handle it completely.

Luo Bi felt that it was difficult to dig wild vegetables by herself. It wasn’t that she couldn’t dig wild vegetables, but it wasn’t like she couldn’t dig out even one vegetable.

But when going on a mission on an undeveloped planet, everyone is quick and picks up wild vegetables when they see them. Luo Bi is not a quick person. She picks and digs up wild vegetables very slowly.

Needless to say, Luo Bi knew better than anyone that when she was a child, she and her cousin dug wild vegetables together. They wanted everything and could dig a basket quickly, but she was picky and picked only a handful of vegetables.

She saw that her cousin dug up all the green onions grown in the fields, but Luo Bi couldn't do it. Her cousin also wanted wheatgrass, and Luo Bi didn't want it either. Why would she want wheatgrass when there were shepherd's purses?

Luo Bi's hand speed is slow, but she digs less!

In the interstellar era, there was no shepherd's purse or wheatgrass. There were similar wild vegetables that grew in planting fields. Children would dig them only after the crops were harvested. Luo Bi was not interested.

Even if she is interested, no one will let her dig her! Wild vegetables are also a kind of nutritious food, and they are also rare for people with planting fields.

In the interstellar era 18,000 years in the future, Luo Bi had never been on a mission before she married Fengling.

"Am I incompetent?" Luo Bi said.

"I don't have any fighting ability." Wei Zi browsed the small optical computer and slid his hand: "Let's go and play. There are only a few of us and there are no outsiders, so no one will say anything. It will be different if there are more people on the mission. ”

There are too many people, so be careful. Wei Zi knew in his heart that Luo Bi was weak and could not do heavy work. If she went on a mission, others would be jealous and think that women are a burden.

But her cousin said that she would take Luo Bi with her, so there was no need to worry about this.

Roger and the others next to him looked at Luo Bi. They were bored again and had come up with a mission.

Qin Yilang and Leng Lie also went on a mission, but they never thought of taking Luo Bi with them. There was no other reason. Fengling's childhood friends and good brothers were not only Luo Jie and Wen Xiao, but also Lan Ze and Leng Lie.

Lan Ze would not agree to bring Luo Bi with him, and Leng Lie also had objections.

If a woman is not very talented, she will be a burden when going on missions. Everyone knows this very well, so no one offers to take a woman with her, and Fengling is reluctant to do so.

Is Luo Bi's talent high? Who knows, Roger won't be able to count on anyone else.

When the things Luo Bi refines are powerful, she will hit you hard, with lightning strikes and explosions. But when she is lazy, forget it, and it will become unusable. Not even General Qi Lan can do anything to her.

If it can't be used, then it can't be used. You can't count on her when playing at home.

"Is it just Wei Bing, Wei Bing and you?" Luo Bi didn't hesitate much, and asked something else when she had nothing to say. Everyone had already said it before, so she asked again, it's better if there are less people, it will save trouble. .

Luo Bi was suspicious and didn't trust people very much, so she asked again and again.

Wei Zi didn't think much about it. He said "hmm" and said, "The risk factor of Cuizhu Star is slightly lower this season and the resources are abundant. I heard that the water level of the flood river is also low, so we may be able to catch river fresh food."

Not to mention the delicious ones, you may not be able to catch them.

Luo Bi was even more excited, she wanted to go to Cuizhuxing.

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