Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2823 Jealousy

Luo Bi had already thought about going to Cuizhuxing, but she still said, "I'll ask Fengling."

Fengling didn't let her go... She still wanted to go, but she still had to ask.

Wei Zi responded on the other end of the communicator. Fengling was next to Luo Bi. Hearing Luo Bi's words, he lowered his eyes and asked, "Do you want to follow Wei Yu and the others on a mission? I don't have time to accompany you."

Wen Xiao was not free either. This time Roger and the others went on a mission to hunt for higher nutritional ingredients, trying to appease those with strong genetic agitation. Wen Yao also had strong genetic agitation, so Wen Xiao had to go.

Wen Yao's combat power is not fully utilized, so it would be unreasonable for Wen Xiao not to go. After all, Fengling, Lan Ze, Leng Lie, and He Yun have strong genes and are not restless. Who do they do it for? If not, don’t go.

Fengling, who was on Jiang Yixin's side, had thought about it. Xue Wan had paired up Luo Bi and Jiang Yixin in a dirty way, which made everyone feel unhappy, but it was something that didn't happen, but it was hard not to think about it.

"I call Zhu Xingzhi." Luo Bi has already thought about it. Zhu Xingzhi is a little Leiyan warrior. He can keep him company and have someone to take care of him: "Fengling, you can go on a mission and don't worry about me. I'll take care of you in the worst case." Come back in one lap.”

He chuckled coldly and without trace, as long as it didn't drag Fengling down, he was worried that Luo Bi would distract Fengling. Leng Lie dislikes Luo Bi for being troublesome and has no fighting ability. Wouldn't it cause trouble if he went on a mission with him?

Wei Buzzard was different. This time, Wei Buzzard probably just relied on his strong combat power to hunt the lone exotic beasts with lower combat power, so as to satisfy the greed of the children in the clan, and this was what it meant to have Wei Tzu follow.

Fengling thought it was okay and agreed to Luo Bi to follow Wei Yu on the mission.

Luo Bi couldn't sit still and stood up and said, "I'm going to find Wei Zi." Asked what she needed to prepare, Luo Bi could definitely dial the communication, but she likes the excitement! There is a huge difference between dialing a cell phone and taking a trip.

Fengling said: "Go."

Luo Bi took the keys to the sports car, thought for a while, and put on a thicker coat. She was weak and prone to cold in rainy days like this, and it would be bad if she caught a cold.

Fengling got up and saw Luo Bi out, saying a few words to go back quickly: "Don't get caught in the rain. If it rains heavily, don't rush back. I'll drive the hover car to pick you up."

Luo Bi nodded and walked briskly: "I drove a hover car, so I won't get wet even if it rains heavily."

Fengling was worried. He had his own plans and didn't answer.

Luo Bi thought that it would be enough for the man to watch her go out, but who would have thought that Fengling came out with her heels up, which meant she was giving her away. Luo Bi was depressed. At this time, the rain fell heavily from the sky again, like a pouring water, and the wind was cold.

Luo Bi's coat was from spring. No matter how cool it is in summer, it won't get cold. The family apartment building at the garrison base is built on the mountain. There are various plants scattered on the stairs, some are blooming, some are not blooming, and they are not energy flowers.

Fengling's eyes fell on the plants, thinking about going back to Yang Yu to discuss planting them into energy flowers. Fengling was more concerned about Luo Bi's good health.

Fengling went home, and Luo Bi went downstairs. Fan Yao, Lan Qiao, and Bai Xian were all looking at Jiang Qianran's new luxury car, a limited edition Wing Rabbit sports car, green. Luo Bi didn't know how much it was worth, and whether it was good for her or not. Can't tell either.

Bai Zhi and others were jealous, and Luo Bi asked curiously: "How many interstellar coins are these?"

Compared with whether the suspended sports car is good or not, Luo Bi cares more about the price. She doesn't care if it's ridiculously expensive, no matter how good it is.

Bai Xian's eyes were filled with envy. When she saw it was Luo Bi, she replied: "Fifty million interstellar coins."

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