Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2827 Very good

Luo Bi took a look at the ingredients bought by Fengling. There were grilled fish, roasted duck wings, grilled vegetables, and mushroom soup. They all contained nutritional energy. She knew that these ingredients were not cheap.

Luo Bi likes to eat grilled fish, grilled river clams, and grilled river clams. Fengling doted on her and bought a total of five grilled fish and two skewers of grilled river clams and grilled river clams. Luo Bi didn't ask the price.

After dinner, General Qi Lan dialed the phone and gave Luo Bi a latest military suspension luxury car. Jiang Qianran was not showing off. General Qi Lan heard about it and gave Luo Bi a luxury military car with a wave of his hand.

"Don't you like new ones? The latest models." General Qi Lan took out the general-level hover car purchase card and gave it away as soon as he said it was a gift: "There are several colors of new military luxury cars. Come and choose when you have time." One."

Luo Bi: "······"

"I have a car." Luo Bi was puzzled. Why did she give her a car? ? She didn't contribute to the military.

General Qi Lan raised his eyebrows. He was even more puzzled than Luo Bi. Others were eager to get a military luxury car, but this guy didn't want one. It was interesting. General Qi Lan suddenly laughed.

"If there are more cars, you can choose to drive them." General Qi Lan gave Luo Bi an idea: "This year's new military suspension vehicle is very good-looking, low-key and luxurious, and has good defensive properties."

The better, the less you can give it away for free? Luo Bi looked at Fengling: "Admiral Qi Lan will give me a hover car, do you want it?" She has been given several of them, and if it's not suitable, she won't do anything to help during this period.

What's more, now that she can't use her natural ability, just ignore her.

General Qi Lan suddenly sent a military luxury car. Luo Bi didn't know what to do, but Fengling didn't care. She was surprised and said to herself, "Don't give it up for free. Since it was given by the general, there is no reason to give it up."

Fengling took the communication and chatted with General Qi Lan. Then the general sent a new car model for Luo Bi to pick. After he picked it, he told Tang Shao and asked Tang Shao to send it over.

Fengling gave the photo brain to Luo Bi and asked her to choose the style and color. Luo Bi was dumbfounded: "I didn't contribute to the military department!"

Fengling couldn't see Luo Bi being so honest. She was originally relieved that Zhu Xingzhi would accompany Luo Bi on the mission, but now the man was worried again. The child had little experience, and Fengling was worried that Luo Bi would suffer.

Fengling thought about it and said to Luo Bi, "Just keep what the admiral gave you, don't think about anything else."

Luo Bi thinks too much, which is not good for her health. Fengling sneered, who said you can't get a military luxury car if you don't contribute? For his wife, if the military department doesn't give her a luxury car, he can still buy it for Luo Bi.

Thinking of this, Fengling couldn't help but feel a little depressed. The military department would give him suspended sports cars from time to time. Before he could buy them, the admiral would give them to him first, so Fengling wouldn't be tempted to buy them again.

You have Starcoins but nowhere to spend them? very good.

Luo Bi was picking up the hover car on the optical brain. Fengling held the man in her arms and picked the car together. The man's eyes glanced at the optical brain and gave Luo Bi advice.

Luo Bi didn't listen to him. They were all good cars, as long as they looked pleasing to the eye.

Fengling stood up and dialed a message, then came back and said to Luo Bi, "Let Wen Xiao go on a mission with you."

After hearing this, Luo Bikai smiled. She had been struggling for a long time, but Fengling solved it for her. It was just right for Wen Xiao to accompany her on the mission, so Zhu Xingzhi didn't have to go and let the children do their homework at home.

However, Luo Bi asked: "Aren't you also going on a mission?!"

Is it okay if Wen Xiao doesn’t go?

Fengling didn't say much else: "There's me and Wen Yao."

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