Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2828 You can’t even buy it with interstellar coins

Fengling said this, and Luo Bi happily dialed Zhu Xingzhi's message.

"I still don't want Zhu Xingzhi to come with me, how can I go on a mission?" Luo Bi couldn't hide the joy on her face, and talked to Zhu Xingzhi in her mouth: "Zhu Xingzhi, you can do your homework at home, no need You went with me."

Luo Bi's cheerful tone was felt by Zhu Xingzhi on the other end. The child was writing homework with a pen in one hand and asked into the communicator: "Why? Who will go to Cuizhuxing with you?"

Yu Jingxian was surprised and stopped to clean up the housework.

"Wen Xiao comes with me." Luo Bi over there was holding a communicator and was very happy. The admiral gave her a military suspended luxury car in the middle of the night. Luo Bi was excited: "Zhu Xingzhi, let me tell you Please don’t tell others about this."

Fengling took Luo Bi's storage bracelet and arranged it, and her eyes showed surprise when she heard this.

Zhu Xingzhi nodded: "I won't tell anyone."

After saying that, he turned around and shouted: "Mom, go inside and clean up the housework."

Luo Bi could probably guess that Zhu Xingzhi should be doing homework in the living room in the yard while his mother did housework. The child kept his promise and even his biological mother could not do anything with Luo Bi. Yu Jingxian walked away angrily and funny.

Luo Bi was waiting at the other end. Immediately, she heard Zhu Xingzhi shout: "Father, Luo Bi and I are dialing the message."

Zhu Yue was stunned as soon as he entered the house and walked towards the house angrily. Only then did Zhu Xingzhi say: "Say what you say!"

"Admiral Qi Lan gave me this year's latest military suspension luxury car." Luo Bi was in high spirits and said happily: "I haven't chosen a model yet. You can choose one with me when you have time."

The Leiyan warriors all love hover vehicles. Zhu Xingzhi was immediately delighted after hearing this: "I'm giving you a military hover vehicle again?! Your general is so kind. Have you contributed to the military again?"

Otherwise it makes no sense!

Generally, only Fengyao Empire soldiers with high military rank can apply to purchase the latest military luxury cars. It can be said that they are expensive but not marketable, and you can't even buy them with interstellar coins.

Some hover cars may look ordinary to you, but they are actually low-key and luxurious military suspended cars. The uninitiated may not be able to tell that, but you can tell by looking at Luo Bi's limited edition military sports car.

You can only tell that it is a good car and nothing else.

"I didn't contribute." Luo Bi remembered this again and muttered: "If I contributed to the military, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. You said that I don't have any powerful array weapons now, so I want to send it to Qi Lan Not even a general."

Just now she was complaining to Feng Ling, and now she was complaining to Zhu Xingzhi. She had no contribution. Admiral Qi Lan sent the hover car. Luo Bi felt unhappy and took the opportunity to give it to Zhu Xingzhi.

Zhu Xingzhi simply said: "The general knows it well, you don't need to give me anything."

Luo Bi wants to be nice to others when they are nice to them, and Zhu Xingzhi knows this.

Zhu Xingzhi's thoughts were different from Luo Bi's. The child didn't have so many ideas and had to worry about it with Luo Bi. Luo Bi threw it to the child, and Zhu Xingzhi thought about it.

Luo Bi said "hmm". Fengling also meant the same thing. Zhu Xingzhi also said the same thing, so Luo Bi didn't worry about it anymore.

The two chatted for more than half an hour before Luo Bi and Zhu Xingzhi hung up the call.

Fengling laughed angrily after hearing the general idea. No wonder Luo Bi had a headache because she had so many thoughts on her mind. Fengling sighed softly. Considering that Wei Yu might catch river fresh food, he brought a refined fishing net and several bottles of energy liquid and elixir.

The rain stopped in the evening and the two went to bed early.

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