Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2829 Green Bamboo Star

Early the next morning, Fengling got up early to prepare food for Luo Bi.

Luo Bi got sick from the hover car without eating. Even though Fengling was well-informed, she still didn't understand how Luo Bi got sick from the hover car in the interstellar era. There is no such thing as hover car sickness among interstellar humans.

Luo Bi also got up. She knew she couldn't sleep because she was on a mission, so they laughed at her for sleeping in. Now it's better, she can't sleep anymore.

Luo Bi washed her face. She originally wanted to wear summer military uniform, but considering it was too ostentatious, she simply took out the sportswear she often wore on missions and put on sneakers, looking energetic.

Fengling was busy in the kitchen, and Luo Bi followed the man around, worrying about this and that.

Feng Ling frowned: "It's just a mission, you don't have to worry so much."

Thinking too much is very tiring, how can you take good care of your body?

Fengling's gentleness made Luo Bi feel at ease, and she stopped thinking about things. After dinner, Fengling gave Luo Bi some instructions and drove her to the garrison base's ship parking area in a military hover vehicle.

Admiral Qi Lan didn't know what he was thinking. Knowing that Luo Bi was on a mission, he transferred a small luxury spacecraft to Wei Yu.

Wei Yu laughed, this is good, the small spaceship is much more powerful than the hover car.

When Wei Yu took Luo Bi on a mission, he didn't want to take advantage of it. Now it's better, and he took advantage of it.

Wen Xiao then drove a military hover vehicle to the ship parking area of ​​the garrison base. He got out of the car and saw Luo Bi, and was surprised: "You got up so early?"

Wen Xiao didn't mean anything else and asked casually.

What can Luo Bi say? She just got up early. How do you treat her?

How about she go back to sleep? !

Just thinking about it, Luo Bi didn't do that. She was worried that Wen Xiao would be angry with her.

Luo Bi cursed in her heart but did not show it on her face. Fengling glanced at Wen Xiao. Wen Xiao shut his mouth and waited for Luo Bi to board the small spaceship before he boarded the spaceship.

When everyone arrived, Wei Yu and Fengling said hello, closed the door of the spacecraft and ordered it to take off.

Twenty minutes later, the spacecraft arrived at Cuizhu Planet.

The danger level of Cuizhu Star has not yet been divided. Various monsters are entrenched in the center of the planet. Fortunately, there are almost no monsters on the edge planets, and Thunder Flame Warriors of the alien beast level can also deal with it.

Wei Yu and Wen Xiao considered that the women in the team had no fighting ability, so they directly drove the spacecraft to the place with the most hunting teams and mercenary groups. On the rocky mountain, there were various spaceships, airships, and hover vehicles parked everywhere.

In the summer, Cuizhu Star has abundant resources, and many hunting teams and mercenary groups are interested. In addition, the water level of the flood river has dropped, and large and small hunting teams and mercenary groups have come to Cuizhu Star.

Each team hunts different types of exotic beasts, so the mission planets selected are also different.

There are many trees on the edge of the planet of Green Bamboo Star, mainly bamboo trees, and the bamboo forests are all in patches. The mountain where the hunting team gathers is not big, the mountains are continuous, and there are few trees. Alien beasts with high combat power rarely come to look for food.

Therefore, there were many women and children following the mission.

Picking a rocky mountain, Wei Bunting lowered the small spacecraft.

Luo Bi and Wei Zi took the bamboo baskets and looked at them again before following the Thunder Flame warriors off the spaceship. It was impossible to carry a new bag. Going on a mission was not just for showing off.

Wei Yu and Wen Xiao discussed whether to go hunting to the Xun River to catch river fresh food. Luo Bi stood on the rocky mountain and couldn't say anything. She was quite moved when she saw the busy people on the Xun River from a distance.

"Let's go hunting first." Wei Yu and Wen Xiao agreed, waved to everyone, and raised their feet to the rocky mountain.

Later, Wei Zi, Luo Bi, Wen Xiao, and Wei Bun followed.

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