Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2848 Delicate

Fengling and Wen Yao bought some delicious river food with other hunting teams, returned to the Zhihuang Star Combat Team's supply warehouse, divided the supplies, and pulled a flaming duck beast with a spoon, and it wanted this one.

"Spoon, we can't do this." Roger walked over and said, "We only hunted five second-level beasts in total, and those are the only ones that are delicious. If you want a Flame Duck Beast, others can't share it with you. "

The war spoon pokes the other beasts and separates, half of the family.

Leng Lie was not used to holding the spoon: "I'll share it with you."

Zhan Shao dragged the Flame Duck Beast to Roger, but it ignored Leng Lie. Who will share it with you? ! The adults in his family have a strong gene and must be fed with nutritious and energy-rich food. The duck beast knows no one's spoon.

Leng Lie looked at Zhan Di, who coaxed Lao Shao: "We only need half a Flame Duck Beast."

Zhan Lao Li raised his spoon and poked Roger. He wanted only one spoon, regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

The spoon was so cute that Roger couldn't stand it, so he hesitated and said, "How about we break up?! This flaming duck beast will fight the spoon."

Leng Lie didn't even look at it. He didn't think it was too much. He turned on the Lingzhi array weapon, and the Lei Yan warrior always wanted to pamper him, but he was in an inexplicable mood.

Lan Ze snorted without comment. If it was a Xun spoon, he would agree. His family's Lingzhi spoon would always be pampered. Lan Ze didn't want to spoil the Zhan Di family's Zhan family pet.

Fengling and He Yun saw it in their eyes, and Fengling said: "They share a strange beast."

He Yun and Zhan Di shared a flaming duck beast. He Yun shared a small half and Zhan Shao a more than half. Zhan Shao took a look and saw that He Shao's family had fewer and it had more, so it stopped making a fuss.

If it wants more, it's time for Spoon to make some noise.

Luo Bi thought about surprising Fengling at home. She pursed her lips and smiled. She took a look at the bamboo basket. Luo Bi threw the little red chicken monster into two big bamboo baskets. She was hesitating whether to give the little red chicken monster to General Qi Lan.

The little red chicken monster was very energetic and chattering for food. Luo Bi sighed, forget about the dried radishes once they were in the basket. Luo Bi got up and planted the fields to find vegetables for the little red chicken monster to eat.

The Bunting brought a basket of wild fruits over, and Luo Bi jumped down from the planting field and ran to open the door.

Seeing the wild fruits that Wei Bunting had brought, Luo Bi probably knew what he was doing. She let the child in and asked, "Wei Bunting, what do you feed your little red chicken monster?"

"Just eat wild fruits." The child took a few green fruits from the basket and said, "My cousin said that little red chickens and monsters eat wild fruits. I just went to Qingyao Star to pick them. They are very fresh. I gave them to you. Come here with a basket.”

Luo Bi happily went up to the big balcony with her child, and together they picked up a basket and watched the little red chicken monster. The little red chicken monster chirped in surprise, and Luo Bi threw a fruit.

"I also want to dig vegetables for the little red chicken monsters to eat." Luo Bi said. When there was something to eat, a group of little red chicken monsters chattered and snatched it. Flying catkins flew up, and Luo Bi and the guard bunting retreated.

"It eats wild fruits." The Bunting warned again, and moved closer with curiosity and said: "There are twenty little red chicken beasts in the family. They can't finish them all in a while. They should be raised carefully and don't raise them." died."

Luo Bi looked at the little red chicken monster snatching food and said, "Warcraft is not easy to raise."

Wei Bunting nodded: "I will pick wild fruits when I have time and feed it fresh fruits so that it will not survive."

Luo Bihehe: "She's really delicate."

"If you don't raise it delicately, it will die for you." Wei Bun said.

Luo Bi: "······"

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