Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2849 Higher nutritional value

Luo Bi laughed, "Look, if you don't follow it, I will die for you."

Energy attribute balls are also like this, and they are all afraid of this.

The sturdy little red chicken monster was aggressive in grabbing food, stepping on this one and that one. Luo Bi couldn't see this, so she reached out and pulled it aside. The little red chicken monster was useless.

"Have you ever raised one?" Luo Bi looked at the bamboo basket and chatted with the children. He was not optimistic about raising little red chicken monsters: "Little monsters are difficult to raise. Can they survive by eating wild fruits?"

"I've never raised one before." The child Wei Bun shook his head. He had never seen a little red chicken monster since he was a child. Where could he raise it? No one in the War General family has ever raised one. The child said: "My cousin Wei Yu has asked the breeder of the Emperor Star. The breeder knows about the little red chicken monsters eating wild fruits."

"Emperor Star's breeder raised it?" Luo Bi asked doubtfully.

The guard bunting hesitated: "... You have raised it before!" None of the breeders on Emperor Star had ever raised a little red chicken monster, let alone anyone else.

Luo Bicai didn't believe it. Seeing the little red chicken and the monster snatching it happily, she grabbed a handful of wild fruits and took out the dead leaves mixed with them. In the rush of picking, wild fruits and other fruits were mixed together.

Luo Bi threw the wild fruit to the little red chicken monster, and the little red chicken monster immediately grabbed it and made a lot of noise.

Luo Bi and the Bunting were amazed by the novelty. They looked at it in amazement. The sturdy little red chicken monster stood out and rushed over. Luo Bi poked it away again and said, "This one was so stunned."

Wei Bunting also saw it, looked at Luo Bi's movements, and before he had time to stop him, he grinned and said: "You should be gentler, this one is so good, don't be frightened by you, don't eat the fruit, don't eat the fruit to support yourself" Not alive.”

Luo Bi was deceived by what the child said. She had no idea. She looked carefully at the little red chicken monster that was pushed aside: "This one is quite energetic. Don't scare me. It took a lot of effort to catch these few." .”

It's one thing to look down on this one and grab it, but it's not worth it if it dies.

"Next time, pull it more gently." The little boy warned.

Luo Bi nodded: "No matter how hard it grabs me, I won't pull it away."

Luo Bi chatted with Wei Bun and found out that Wei Bun and the children of the clan went to Qingyao Star as soon as they came back. The children of the War General family have high physical fitness and high combat power. They hurriedly picked two large baskets of wild fruits. came back.

Wei Yu divided the supplies and went home. He divided the two large baskets of wild fruits into several portions and gave one basket to Luo Bi. The others were evenly given to Hua Ran and Wen Xiao. It was enough for about twenty little red chicken monsters to eat at night.

Everyone went on a mission together, and also harvested the rare little red chicken monster, which gave Wei Yu an extra thought.

Otherwise, Wei Yu would be too lazy to care.

Luo Bi had never raised a Little Red Chicken Monster before, so she called Wei Yu, Wen Xiao, and Hua Ran to discuss how to raise a Little Red Chicken Monster. There are twenty in a family. Even if you eat one a day, it will take a while.

"It's better to eat one at a time. You may not be able to live on it." Wei Yu said.

The little red chicken monster is dead, and the colored crystal stone is worthless.

Wen Xiao said: "My little red chicken monster can't be kept alive, so I'll eat it if I can."

Wen Xiao asked Zhan Yi that the combination of Little Red Chicken Monster and old ginseng grass has higher nutritional value.

Luo Bi hung up the call and said to the child Bunting: "You have to take good care of it and save some food."

Luo Bi originally didn't care about the sudden appearance of the Little Red Chicken Monster. Just now she and Wei Bun looked at the Little Red Chicken Monster and figured it out. This thing seemed really rare.

If you don't care about children, you won't be able to rush to Qingyao Star just to pick wild fruits.

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