Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3003 Green Obsidian Star

On the edge of Qing Yao Star, various aircraft are parked on the rock platform.

There are many mountains on the edge of the planet. The mountains are undulating, and there are large and small rock platforms. The terrain is high and low. At this time, there was a wave of strange beasts, and the logistics team was busy watching on the rock platform.

Those stationed at Qingyao Star were setting up pots to cook, while others were setting up tents.

There were swarms of alien beasts below the rock platform, and Leiyan warriors jumped down one after another to fight. It wasn't raining heavily, but there were shouts of killing and the screams of alien beasts coming from the tide of alien beasts.

Wei Yu picked a location where the alien beast tide was slightly smaller and lowered the small spacecraft to the rock platform next to it. Their equipment, energy liquid, and elixir were not enough, so there was no need to run ahead.

Roger and others all thought so. There was no need for Wei Yu to ask. Everyone was very satisfied with the rock platform Wei Yu chose.

This rock platform is not small, and the terrain is neither high nor low. It is suitable for watching from a high place.

The Thunder Flame warriors thought very clearly. If they can hunt, they will hunt. If they cannot hunt, they will go back. The safety factor for night operations is low, and Fengling has to devote her attention to taking care of Luo Bi, so she may not be able to concentrate on fighting.

The spaceship descended and everyone got off the spacecraft.

The rain was falling and it was cool. Hearing the sound of fighting in the tide of alien beasts, the Thunder Flame warriors watched from a high position. The guard bunting was startled. The rocks were inlaid with obsidian. He saw several level 5 combat power monsters at a glance. Strange beast.

Looking out from a distance, several hunting teams and mercenary groups were fighting in the tide of alien beasts, and the sounds of fighting could be heard clearly. Each team has its own battle circle. They have chosen which beast to attack.

The alien beasts next to them will not stop just because the hunting team has selected the alien beasts. The alien beasts will join the battle one after another. In this way, the trap will be disrupted, and the hunting team members can only try their best to get closer to their team's battle circle.

Each team opened a battlefield, each fighting its own battle, and strange beasts joined in one after another. Then the Thunder Flame warriors couldn't tell which ones they had picked. Fortunately, those who dared to hunt were not weak, and the team could always gain something. .

Taking the opportunity to intercept and kill, letting go of those with high combat power, and intercepting and killing those with weak combat power, is the only advantage.

Roger, Fengling, Wei Yu, Wen Yao, and Hua Ran were watching the battle and discussing how to fight. At this time, there were very few teams that had not gone out to fight, mainly because few teams came over at night.

At a glance, Luo Bi saw Lan Rui's team below, and further away was the Zhan family's hunting team. The Feng family's hunting team was fighting with a imperial concubine pig, and all kinds of superpowers were flying all over the sky.

The imperial concubine pig is a strange beast with level seven combat power, and the Feng family hunting team may not be able to eat it.

But the imperial concubine pig bumped into her, and she has been fighting for a long time. It would be a pity to let her go. The problem is that the imperial concubine pig is at odds with the Feng family's hunting team. If you don't hunt, it will still squeal.

The little golden ball was shot out with a whoosh, and the people in the Feng family's hunting team hurriedly retreated.

After looking at it for a long time, Roger and the others picked out a small flaming duck beast. Fengling told Luo Bi, "Stay here while I go fight."

Luo Bi nodded, and Fengling said to Luo Jie and Wen Yao, "You should also stay at Rock Mountain."

Roger glanced at the little flame duck beast below: "We will go back after hunting this one. Night is not conducive to fighting. Fortunately, the rain is light now. You can take advantage of the opportunity to hunt quickly!"

Fengling, Wei Wei, and Hua Ran jumped down from the rock platform and fought with the little flame duck beast with their swords.

Wen Yao and Luo Jieqiang were injured and could not fight continuously, so they stayed on the rocky mountain as logistics.

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