Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3004 has advantages

Luo Bi and Wei Bun were also support staff. It would not work if there were one more support staff than there were combatants. Luo Bi looked at it and saw that the little flame duck beast was a second-level combat force. Fengling and the others would not be able to play with it for a while.

This is still the case of hunting a strange beast. The problem is that this is a tide of strange beasts, and other strange beasts are coming here too! There were other strange beasts nearby, and they were rushing over one by one. It was very difficult to deal with them like this.

After all, their team has a small number of people, so it is difficult to intercept them in the tide of alien beasts.

Not only is it difficult for small teams to cope, but even powerful hunting teams like the Feng family and the Zhan family are overwhelmed by the tide of alien beasts, and they turn into a mess in the fight.

On the rock platform not far away, Hang Heng and Luo Wan were also watching the battle. They prepared a lot of energy liquid and elixir. If a hunting team member was injured, they immediately sprinkled a bottle of elixir.

Take a short rest and immediately rush into the battle circle to fight.

The battle situation on the battlefield was tense, and the talented people on the rock platform also had their own thoughts. They were just trying to show off, gain face, and improve their status in the talent world through such battles.

It was inevitable that the fighting hunting team and mercenary group would be injured in the tide of alien beasts. One after another, team members returned to the rock platform, sprinkled the elixir, and immediately returned to the fighting circle.

From time to time, the talented people showed signs of success and compared how many prey they had killed. Some felt proud, while others became anxious and jealous when they saw they were lagging behind. Feng Zifei couldn't hold back her anger and took out several bottles of elixir.

Jiang Zhuer came from Hangheng and was a little surprised to see Luo Bi there: "Luo Bi, it's raining so hard and you're here to go on a mission? Whose team are you with?"

Luo Bi had just arrived and had not hunted the alien beasts yet. She said to Jiang Xie'er: "I came with Fengling. Fengling and my brother went to fight in the tide of alien beasts. I'm waiting for them on the rock platform."

Jiang Xie'er understood immediately upon hearing this that Luo Bi was here to play, not on a mission.

Jiang Xie'er smiled: "My team is over there, I'm going to get busy."

After saying that, Jiang Xi'er left. Luo Bi's innate ability couldn't be used, and she had a headache when using it. Compared with Luo Wan, Lan Heng, and Hang Heng, Jiang Xi'er should care more about Luo Wan and the others.

The light at night is not good, and every team is busy, preparing for cooking, fighting, and logistics running back and forth to transport the intercepted prey. Everyone is not relaxed and has no time to care about other things.

This was good. Luo Bi was very anxious when she saw that Fengling couldn't fight Hua Ran and Wei Yu for a long time.

Thinking of the array device, Luo Bi said to Roger: "Which one of you is boiling water?"

Roger: "······"

Wen Yao: "·······"

"What are you boiling water for?" Roger asked.

Luo Bi grabbed it with her little hand and said, "Kill the strange beast."

Roger was speechless for a long time. He couldn't imagine how to boil water to kill the strange beasts. Wen Yao raised his feet to mark out the territory. They didn't need to set up tents, but the territory had to be marked out.

Wei Bunting ran over and said, "I'll boil water."

Wei Bunting set up the stove and moved the firewood. Roger waved his hand and said, "I'm going to accompany Luo Bi."

Roger took over boiling water here, and Luo Bi wandered around looking for familiar teams. After the guard bunting passed by, Luo Bi asked the guard bunting to go to another rock platform, and after asking around, she found the Lanrui hunting team stationed there. team.

Lan Huang and the others were busy at the garrison, and Luo Bi was relieved to see them. If the Lan family's little Lei Yan warriors didn't follow them on the mission, Luo Bi planned to let the guard bunting go.

However, younger children have an advantage when using array devices.

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