The bottle array showed its hand again, and when the child made a fist, it took action.

What about the Flame Duck Beast with level two combat power? After taking a bite of the bitter taste, I immediately lowered my head, narrowed my eyes, grinned and tasted it slowly. It was unspeakably painful!

The Flame Duck Beast was not happy, mainly because it couldn't bear the bitterness, and the bitter taste went straight to the duck's forehead.

This flaming duck beast has a lot of wild fruits and vegetables for snacks, and it has never tasted such bitterness before. What is it doing? !

Roger: "······"

Wen Yao: "·······"

Luo Jie and Wen Yao didn't understand. What happened to this flaming duck beast? The distance is a bit far, so it's hard to guess blindly. The milk bottle arrays all rushed to take action. They were hesitant as to whether it was time for them to fight.

Lan Huang and Wei Bun looked at it from a distance, but they didn't know what was going on.

Lan Bao's eyes were filled with confusion, not knowing whether the array device would work or not.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi had been staring, and she didn't see the discomfort of the Flame Duck Beast at this moment. She couldn't see it clearly if she hadn't tasted it. After taking a bite, the Flame Duck Beast could clearly see that it was neither sweet nor salty, and she couldn't spit it out. It’s so bitter! If you want to find water to drink, you have to take a breath first.

Luo Bi suddenly looked at Roger. Roger and Wen Yao came to their senses immediately. They drank a bottle of energy liquid and held their swords in their hands. Roger and Wen Yao jumped down the rocky mountain and ran towards the Flame Duck Beast. .

When the two of them got closer, the flaming duck beast had not yet recovered.

Roger and Wen Yao saw clearly and were overjoyed. They rushed over with their swords and killed the Flame Duck Beast in a few rounds. It was so easy that the Flame Duck Beast couldn't even come out.

Looking at the killed Flame Duck Beast, Luo Jie and Wen Yao were so excited that they picked it up and hurried back to the rocky mountain.

Luo Bi and several children saw it from a distance and were surprised and happy. Wei Bunting happily said: "There is meat to eat."

The meat of the second-level fighting duck beast is delicious, Lan Huang grinned.

Luo Bi didn't notice anyone. Wei Bun and Lan Huang jumped down the rocky mountain to meet Roger and Wen Yao. A few minutes later, Roger and Wen Yao carried the Flame Duck Beast back with joy in their eyes.

Luo Bi looked around. All the teams were busy and no one paid attention here.

Lan Huang rubbed his hands: "This second-level fire duck beast is not small."

This is a strange beast with a second-level combat power. At this moment, everyone still feels a little confused, but when they think about the formation device, they don't care anymore. After all, the formation disk and formation device should not be underestimated.

Roger looked at Robbie: "Do you want to improve your status?"

Luo Bi hesitated: "Forget it."

Roger understood and didn't say much. He asked Shangyi Bunting to carry the flaming duck beast into the supply warehouse of the small luxury spaceship. The supply warehouse on the spaceship was not big, but it was okay to accommodate more than twenty strange beasts.

When the two of them got off the spaceship, the hunting team and mercenary group who were on the mission didn't know that they were hunting a second-level fire duck beast, and they intercepted and killed one as if they were picking it up for free.

Luo Bi and Roger Wenyao discussed it. In order to improve their status, other talented people would catch a strange beast and make noises, for fear that others would not know that he had hunted one.

They want to get rich silently more than those talented people.

Next, continue to pick strange beasts. Before that, kill the one that Fengling, Hua Ran, and Wei Yu can't defeat for a long time.

The Milk Bottle Array rushed forward, and as soon as it hit the second Flame Duck Beast, its parents couldn't even recognize it. Hua Ran killed it with a sword, picked up the Flame Duck Beast and returned to the rocky mountain.

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