Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3007 Three of them

Luo Bi and the others wanted to make a fortune quietly, but then a hunting team and mercenary group were shocked by the tide of alien beasts.

There was no other reason. Lan Rui's hunting team was fighting a second-level moo beast. They had been fighting for a long time. They couldn't fight for a long time. The wounded ones sprinkled elixir on them and continued to fight.

Luo Bi and the others selected a Flame Duck Beast with level 2 combat power. They were right next to the battle circle of Lan Rui's team. The milk bottle array rushed forward, but everyone in the battle didn't pay attention.

After the bottle array was withdrawn, Roger rushed over and asked Hua Ran, "Is this just ours?"

There are several Flame Duck Beasts in Lan Rui's battle circle. Roger doesn't want to grab them, he just wants to pick the ones for his own team. Hua Ran only recognized the one from his own team, so he took a second look at it.

"It's our Flame Duck Beast." Hua Ran said.

Lan Rui: "······???!!"

He Weiqing: "······"

A group of hunting team members: "·······??!"

Lan Rui and others were still wondering how that one belonged to them. They saw Roger and Hua Ran dragging the Flame Duck Beast away with one wing each. After walking a few steps, Roger suddenly remembered and poked it. sword.

The bitter duck beast died now!

Lan Rui: "..." My mother, what kind of rhythm is this? What about picking it up for free? ! !

Lan Rui raised his hand and pointed: "They picked up a Flame Duck Beast for nothing?!!"

Their eyes were wide open, full of dissatisfaction. If they picked it up for free, it should be theirs.

He Weiqing: "???!!"

Picking up exotic beasts for nothing, who is this to irritate? ! !

When the other hunting team members heard that Lan Rui said they had picked it up for free, they immediately looked around for the Flame Duck Beast. Next to them, there was a Flame Duck Beast running with the tide of alien beasts. A Thunder Flame Warrior came closer tentatively.

The flame duck beast squawked and waved its wings.

Everyone: “·······”

Lan Rui's team was immediately dumbfounded. This routine didn't work.

Hua Ran didn't pay attention to anything. He picked up the intercepted Flame Duck Beast and followed Roger back the way he came. No matter how powerful he was, he walked around and carried the Flame Duck Beast back all the way. He put the supplies on the spaceship. library.

Luo Bi said: "Three." One for each person is not enough.

Everyone was busy picking out strange beasts, and they were very excited.

Luo Bi also picked. No matter what level of combat power Luo Bi dared to pick, she picked a imperial concubine pig. Wei Bun and Lan Huang felt that it was mysterious. This was a monster with level 7 combat power. They couldn't even imagine that the Feng family's hunting team would intercept and kill it.

It's a good thing Luo Bi picked one like this.

Wei Bun and Lan Huang waved their hands repeatedly: "This one won't work, this one won't work..."

"Change it!" Wei Yu also said.

Luo Bi refused to change it: "The imperial concubine's pork is delicious, this is the one."

Wei Yu shut his mouth, Wei Yu and Lan Huang felt unsure.

Luo Jie and Hua Ran watched carefully. Wen Yao said "tsk" and Fengling said, "That's the one."

The child Lan Bao poked it, and the bottle array flew out. It probably knew that this one was difficult to deal with, and it didn't care whether the imperial concubine pig was thirsty or not. After taking several gulps, the imperial concubine pig lay down in agony.

Wei Yu and Wen Yao jumped down and ran to the fighting circle of the Feng family hunting team.

The Feng family's hunting team was exhausted and had not yet killed the fighting imperial concubine pig. While they were fighting, there were imperial concubine pigs running past.

Wei Yu looked around and was very energetic. He spotted one and asked Wen Yao: "Is this just ours?"

Wen Yao took a look and said, "It's ours."

Now the people in the Feng family hunting team were confused!

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