Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3038 There is another one

He Xiang raised his eyes and was stunned for a moment.

Luo Bi was angry, and when she picked another alien beast that had been killed, she took a look at the battle between the Thunder Flame Warriors and the alien beasts on the battlefield. The alien beasts with level two or above combat power were relatively powerful, no matter which legion they belonged to. Combat team members will be injured if they are not careful.

One after another, combat team members retreated and went to the garrison to spread the elixir.

Wen Xiao ran over and said to He Xiang, "Elixir."

He Xiang took out a few bottles of elixir, and Wen Xiao returned to the battlefield. There were too many strange beasts, and the combat team members could not retreat to rest unless they were too seriously injured. The Lei Yan warrior sprinkled the elixir and continued to fight.

As soon as the alien beast attacks, some combat team members will be thrown out, and injuries are inevitable.

He couldn't lie down, there were strange beasts around him, and his life could not be saved at any time.

The combat team members had no time to take care of the strange beasts killed in such a battle. Some legions had only a few logistics team members, and the logistics Lei Yan warriors ran to the battlefield while waiting in the logistics.

It would be most suitable for talented people to have high-level defensive shields as logistics. One by one, they shuttled around the back of the battlefield and were busy seeing the killed alien beasts.

Looking at the battlefield, only the First Legion had no logistics members, and He Xiang and Luo Bi made up the numbers.

This is also considered a logistics team member. They quickly harvest the valuable ones, dig out the crystals, and see the strange beasts with high energy. Naturally, they have to move to the garrison. Looking back, these are nutritious ingredients. If you harvest them, you will make money. As soon as I put it away, it was snatched away by the little fox beast.

If the little fox beast doesn't steal it, there are other talented people who won't be polite.

The battle was fierce on the battlefield. Luo Bi took a breath and picked a strange beast to attack. A small fox beast rushed over, and Luo Bi's pupils shrank. The next moment, the little fox beast hit the small defensive array, and was bounced back. The whole little fox beast was dizzy.

Luo Bi was very nervous, but now she couldn't help but smile.

The little fox beast on the side of He Xiang and the girl was very powerful. The small defensive shield could not withstand the attack and swayed. Their expressions changed and they stopped in fear, looking at the little fox beast without blinking.

There was a high-level defensive cover, and the little fox beast couldn't do anything. Seeing that He Xiang was fine, Luo Bi was relieved to harvest the strange beast.

A few little fox beasts didn't wait long, they snatched two alien beasts and left. A few people didn't dare to relax. There were so many alien beasts around them that they couldn't be careless. While Luo Bi was busy harvesting the exotic beasts, the girl ran over and dug for the crystal stones.

Luo Bi: "······"

There is a strange beast that has been killed next to it. This woman is blind, so I have to fight with her.

Luo Bi was an honest child. She raised her hand and pointed at the strange beast next to her: "There is another one over there. Why are you robbing me?"

The girl raised her eyes, obviously disdainful of someone as delicate and weak as Luo Bi, and dug out the crystal a few times. He jumped off the alien beast, walked to the last alien beast, looked for it, and started digging for crystal stones.

While digging for crystals, the girl said provocatively: "Whoever grabs the alien beasts in the tide of alien beasts belongs to whom." Her tone was mocking, so what if the alien beasts were killed by other legions? Be prepared to be robbed.

Okay, Luo Bi remembered what the girl said. As soon as the girl left, Luo Bi asked He Xiang which legion this woman belonged to. Can't you steal it? Luo Bi also went to grab it. It was better to grab someone else's than to pick up her own.

The more Luo Bi thought about it, the angrier she became. Their team had no space for the exotic beasts, so they could only grab whoever they wanted. Who in their logistics department would still grab them? That's just looking for trouble. No matter what, it can't be justified. She has to take it back.

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