Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3039 These are all delicious

He Xiang glanced at the girl who was walking away and shook his head: "Just ignore her."

He Xiang saw a strange beast running past and hurriedly moved away. The strange beast rolled up a cloud of dust and ran over. At this time, the strange beast that had been killed had finished its work, and the battle was in full swing on the main battlefield.

"Ignore her?" Luo Bi said angrily: "She grabs my exotic beasts, whichever one I dig up, she grabs."

The alien beasts broke through the defense circle one after another, and He Xiang had no time to get angry: "The combat team has not killed the alien beasts yet. Let's go to the garrison to rest for a while. We will be busy when we have the alien beasts to kill."

Luo Bi waved her hand: "Go and have a rest."

Luo Bi left, and He Xiang hurriedly said: "If you see a strange beast, run away." After that, he asked: "Is your small defense array okay? If it is not high enough, you should not go."

Luo Bi was confident: "I also have a high-end small defensive cover."

He Xiang returned to the station and looked up from a distance. The roars of alien beasts were everywhere, and the ground was shaking. The dust was billowing in the tide of alien beasts, which showed the ferocity of the battle.

He Xiang was worried, while Luo Bi arrived at the rear of other legions. The sergeants killed the strange beasts and threw them to the rear. There were only a few logistics personnel, and it was not clear which legion had the talent.

Anyway, whoever grabs it belongs to whom. Talented talents wander around jealously, and when they see valuable exotic beasts, they start digging for crystal stones and the like. Horns can be used as refining materials, and the purchase price is high. Naturally, grab them as soon as you catch up.

After looking at it, Luo Bi walked over and scanned around. The refining materials were inferior to the energy-containing meat of alien beasts. She didn't want the refining materials, so she didn't have time to collect them one by one. With a flick of her hand, she picked up a Flame Duck. The beast is put away.

The talented people were only focused on digging crystal stones and the like, and did not notice that there was a Flame Duck Beast missing. It was not that they didn't know there was a Flame Duck Beast, but they wanted to finish their work and move back to the station.

Luo Bike didn't care about this. Seeing that this legion had no interest in the strange beasts, she happily ran towards the other legion. If there were any strange beasts, she would dodge them and quickly ran to the rear of the legion.

This legion is better, the venue is quite big, and no one can hinder anyone. Luo Bi is proud of this. She picked a cow and put it away. Luo Bi couldn't help laughing, Damn, what a profit.

Roger Qiang was restless and retreated back to the station: "Huh? Where is Luo Bi?!"

He Xiang looked into the distance and did not see Luo Bi: "There are talented people who snatch our exotic beasts, and she also snatched them."

"She has no fighting ability, why don't you stop her." Roger was worried. Fengling felt relieved that she arranged Luo Bi to the logistics not just to let Luo Bi snatch prey, but as long as she could take care of her own affairs.

It's a good thing for this master that he went to grab prey on someone else's battlefield.

"She didn't listen to me." He Xiang was also worried.

Wen Xiao went to the station to ask for energy fluid from He Xiang. He didn't see Luo Bi until he knew that she had gone to snatch the prey. He didn't take the energy fluid anymore and said to He Xiang, "I'll use your small advanced defense shield. I'll go get it." She called back."

He Xiang nodded and gave Wen Xiao a small high-level defensive shield. Wen Xiao opened the defensive shield and rushed into the tide of alien beasts to find them. He saw Luo Bi staying with a few talented people from a distance, and then he felt relieved.

Wen Xiao asked Luo Bi to go, and Luo Bi agreed. She returned the same way and went to pick some more. She grabbed a moo beast and colorful exotic beasts. These were all delicious exotic animal meats.

Wen Xiao: “·······”

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