Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3040 No one is jealous

Wen Xiao was surprised and happy. He came closer and said, "How many did you grab?"

I just grabbed two, and I figured it was more than just two exotic beasts.

Luo Bi's face was full of joy: "Several." Then she was dissatisfied: "Not enough."

Wen Xiao didn't understand. How many kilograms of meat could be divided into pieces after just one piece of meat? How could there not be enough for several pieces? Luo Bi had a good idea. Alien beasts are so easy to snatch. No matter how many kilograms each person can share, they have to have one for each person.

Wen Xiao was speechless: "You thought you were picking up cabbage? Just go back."

Luo Bi nodded happily. The station was in the tide of alien beasts. The harvested alien beasts had to be transported to the spaceship when placed in the station. Considering this, Wen Xiao and Luo Bi went directly to the rocky mountain.

Arriving on the small spaceship, Luo Bi threw the strange beasts she grabbed into the supply warehouse.

Wen Xiao counted: "Is there another cow?"

Luo Bi said "ah" like a child: "The beef is delicious. I saw a cow and robbed it quickly."

Wen Xiao was puzzled. Cows contain a lot of energy. Eating more can prolong life. It is impossible for the army to kill them and then ignore them. How did Luo Bi get it? !

Luo Bi happily said to Wen Xiao: "My colorful bracelet can be opened from a distance, so I won't get too close to grab the strange beast."

Wen Xiao understood that it was not that the other party was blind, but that the colorful bracelet was powerful. Wen Xiao looked at the strange beasts that he had snatched and was very happy. The advanced arrays and disks were very powerful. You see, you could see it when he snatched the strange beasts.

Wen Xiao looked at the terminal: "It's noon, we roasted the meat of exotic animals and sent it over."

Luo Bi thought the same way. Although the combat team members brought food, the dry alien meat jerky was not as mild and energetic as the freshly roasted alien meat. Since there was alien meat, it was appropriate to grill some and eat it.

Wen Xiao picked up the small moo beast and discussed with Luo Bi: "Eat this moo beast! Go back and share it with other strange beasts."

Among the strange beasts that Luo Bi snatched, only the Moo beast contained the lowest nutritional energy. The other ones had similar energy. According to Wen Xiao's wishes, he ate the low-energy ones first.

Luo Bi thought about it and said, "Just eat this one."

Wen Xiao was in a good mood, so he took the moo beast and got off the spaceship. There was a spring nearby that was suitable for taking care of the strange beasts. Luo Bi jumped down, she had snatched all this back, and she wanted to see to it.

When Wen Xiao walked to the spring, several Leiyan warriors saw Wen Xiao and greeted him with a smile.

The energy contained in the moo beast is not high, just say hello, no one is jealous.

It might not be possible if it's a fire duck beast or something like that.

Wen Xiao threw away the moo beast and turned on the communicator to dial Roger and Fengling. Luo Bi was with him and always wanted to say something to reassure Fengling, Roger and He Xiang.

The communication on undeveloped planets is not good, and catching up with the tide of alien beasts is even worse. Wen Xiao tried several times but failed to dial out.

There was the howling of alien beasts at the bottom of the mountain. Luo Bi still wanted to snatch the alien beasts, so she said, "I'll go tell them that I have a small advanced defense array and an advanced defense shield that Fengling prepared for me. If one breaks, There is still one."

Wen Xiao was still worried and hesitated: "I'd better go!"

"You don't need to go." Luo Bi stopped him: "I don't know how to deal with strange beasts, so you can deal with them!"

Wen Xiao had no choice but to agree. Luo Bi happily walked away: "I'm going."

Luo Bi was thinking about grabbing the exotic beasts, just refining the materials, and grabbing as many edible exotic beasts as possible. Luo Bi hurriedly ran down the rocky mountain, turning her steps in the direction of other legions.

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