Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3076 Five Fruit Trees

Luo Bi waved her hand, but was stunned: "Don't mention it. When we arrived at Qingyao Star, we had a fight with a group of broken birds."

Luo Bi was still angry at this moment. There was no reason why she couldn't defeat such a big bird! The Orange Spoon is not as strong as the Flame Spoon and the Xun Spoon, otherwise they would not have withdrawn.

Zhu Xingsu held up his coat and said, "The broken bird likes to spit and curse. I'm going to wash it. I don't wear my coat anymore."

The other children said one after another: "I'll go wash up too."

Madam Zhu understood that she was not taking advantage: "I heard that Qingyao Star has a fourth-level milt bird beast. It's not surprising that you can't defeat it. The milt bird's mouth is very powerful."

A peck with the mouth can make a hole in the hover car.

Luo Bi didn't give up and said: "I'll beat it again in the afternoon."

The millet bird offended Luo Bi, so he destroyed it.

Mrs. Zhu: "······"

Mrs. Zhu didn't believe it. If she could do it, why would she go to beat up the bird again in the afternoon? ! !

Luo Bi has no fighting ability. She was raised in a pampered manner, but she still beats up birds? ! Mrs. Zhu just listened to it, she definitely didn’t believe it. She would be stupid if she believed him. Even someone with some fighting ability like Wei Zi couldn't defeat a maize bird.

Luo Bi followed a group of children to wash their hands. They walked around Qingyao Star and found that their hands were covered with sand. While washing their hands, the children cursed and were very angry with the millet.

That fight was a clean one, and they retreated just as well!

The children were all skinny, so Zhu Xingsu maliciously poured a handful of water on his cousin. Suddenly the child was unhappy and he threw it back laughing, and soon the children became one with each other.

The Zhu family leader came to the yard. Luo Bi and Hua Ran washed their hands and prepared to go home. Mrs. Zhu winked at the Zhu family leader: "I said I will go in the afternoon. They can't beat the millet. Please give me some advice." If not, don’t go.”

If you have to fight with a millet bird and you have to go back, why bother strolling back and forth to have fun? !

The head of the Zhu family was stunned for a moment, but he did not stop him from going, but gave Luo Bi an idea: "There are many moo beasts with first-level combat power in Qing Yao Star. You can deal with the moo beasts, there is no need to fight with the millet birds. .”

Luo Bi was lucky and said angrily: "I ran into a millet bird when I went there."

If we meet, if we don't fight with the millet bird, who will we fight with?

"Go and look for it. You can't just fight any strange beast you encounter." The head of the Zhu family was speechless, feeling that these children didn't know how to turn around: "If you encounter a second-level combat power of the Flame Duck Beast, you Also fight?!"

Luo Bi had this idea and caught up. She also went hunting with her second level combat power, but she didn't say anything: "I'm going home first. There was heavy dew in the morning and my clothes were all wet."

The head of the Zhu family and Mrs. Zhu thought she had heard it, so they said nothing else.

Luo Bi said hello and left with Hua Ran and Wei Bun.

"I'm going home and going to play with you later." Wei Bun said to Luo Bi.

Luo Bi nodded, went back home, and went out to find Wen Yao.

Wen Yao was recuperating at home. When Luo Bi came, he was a little surprised: "Is something wrong?"

Luo Bi nodded and took out a stack of small spoon array devices: "I'm going to fight with the millet birds. The orange spoons are too weak. I want to give them a group of soldiers. Can you introduce powers to the small spoon array devices? ?”

There's nothing wrong with this. Wen Yao was surprised and didn't ask any more questions. He took a stack of small spoon arrays and used his sword to introduce superpowers.

Six spoon soldiers were hanging in the air. Luo Bi saw that the formation device had introduced special powers, so she put away the six small spoon formation devices one by one, and took them back to kill them in the afternoon.

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