Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3077 Very jealous

Wen Yao became more relaxed and asked with interest: "Why are you recruiting the millet bird? With your combat power, you can hunt the moo beasts with first-level combat power. There is no need to fight against the millet bird."

Luo Bi's mother was fierce: "Just beat those rotten birds."

Wen Yao: "·······"

The child's temper is fierce, but at first glance, it seems that he has been pampered and grown up.

Wen Yao leaned back in his chair and said, "You can't beat the millet bird." Those with first-level combat power can still get by, but those with fourth-level combat power can't even think about it.

Luo Bi hummed and said nothing unnecessary.

Glancing at the plants in the courtyard, Luo Bi asked, "You also raise energy flowers and plants?"

Wen Yao nodded: "It's good for appeasing the strong genes."

Luo Bi knew this and walked away: "I'm leaving."

Her energy flowers and plants were exhausted and she stopped talking to Wen Yao.

When they got home, Wei Bun and Zhu Xingzhi were waiting at the door. After entering the house, Luo Bi went to see the red fruit tree seeds that had been planted. Luo Bi planted eleven seeds and five red fruit saplings grew out.

I don't know if they were the ones Wen Yao roasted with his fire power, but they can germinate.

The one that grew a few days ago has two leaves.

Luo Bi felt that the five trees growing in the planting pot were crowded, so she threw out five cauldrons and planned to transplant the red fruit seeds into the cauldrons. Zhu Xingzhi and Wei Bun looked at the red fruit saplings with surprised faces. They counted and found five, and they were all high-grade and low-grade fruit saplings.

High-end ones are rare.

Zhu Xingzhi sighed: "What my mother planted doesn't sprout." It would be great if his mother could also plant high-end fruit tree seeds.

Wei Bun then said: "Luo Bi, can you plant?!" The child was quite surprised.

Luo Bi was speechless. Who knew whether she could plant it or not? She fumbled slowly. There are five sprouting trees. Didn’t you hear what Zhu Xingzhi said? None of what the growers planted sprouted.

Luo Bi was very happy in her heart: "Wenyao and the others said they won't sprout, but I'm just awesome."

Wei Bun and Zhu Xingzhi nodded their heads vigorously, Luo Bi was very impressive.

Luo Bi moved a furnace cauldron toward the planting field. She didn't have that much medicine dregs and ash, so she could only use planting soil to fill the planting furnace cauldron, and then put some medicine dregs and ash to make five furnace cauldrons.

Wei Bun carried two furnace cauldrons: "I'll help you move them."

Zhu Xingzhi also picked up two and followed him: "Luo Bi, are we really going to Qingyao Star this afternoon? That's a level four bird. It's all in vain for us to rush forward."

Wei Bun also said: "That's right, we can't beat him, not even your brother."

Luo Bi insisted: "Go and try."

Luo Bi put the furnace cauldron away, jumped down from the planting field, took a small shovel and came back to fill the furnace cauldron with soil and medicine dregs. Zhu Xingzhi and Wei Bun helped move the furnace cauldron. After loading the soil, the furnace cauldron could not be lifted.

There were tasks to go out in the afternoon, and everyone cooked early at noon. After eating, everyone went to Zhu's house to gather.

"Stop hunting millet birds." The head of the Zhu family ordered.

Luo Bi replied to him: "Go and have a fight. If you can't win, we won't go."

Master Zhu: "······"

Mrs. Zhu said: "This child..."

Twenty minutes later, the spacecraft arrived at Qingyao Star. When it arrived at Xiaolu Mountain, Wei Bunting was optimistic about the rocky mountain in the morning and lowered the spacecraft.

Everyone got off the spaceship. Luo Bi sent spoon soldiers to Orange Spoon and Flame Spoon. Xun Spoon was not good at fighting and preferred farming, so there was no need for spoon soldiers, but Xun Spoon was still jealous.

Seeing the spoon soldiers, Hua Ran and the children gained some confidence.

The more effective arrays they have, the more their combat effectiveness increases.

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