Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3113 Don’t eat anymore

Hua Ran eats the pheasants she catches at home, and gives the good ones to Luo Bi.

Guan Zhuting was angry and dissatisfied, but Luo Bi said: "My cousin also gave me a box of jade stones and spiritual plants."

Guan Zhuting was stunned for a moment. Hua Ran didn't know this, so she thought for a moment and said, "I brought ten pounds of the meat of the fourth-level flaming duck beast to the family gathering, as well as a pheasant. The jadeite and spiritual plants don't need to be taken seriously."

No need? Luo Bi sat down on the sofa with a smile and said, "I have ingredients at home. I don't do anything. I don't extract them."

Luo Bi's innate ability could not be used. Guan Zhuting stopped being angry and sighed and said: "It's a problem to get a headache when using the innate ability. Maybe it was too powerful in the past. You don't have to take it easy and just extract a box every now and then. Luo Yuan and the others all extracted it bottle by bottle, but you kid is just too clueless."

Guan Zhuting scolded her, and Luo Bi said loudly: "I won't extract it if I don't have a headache. I will just play at home and no one can control me."

Hua Ran and Guan Zhuting stopped talking. Well, the child's temper was getting worse again.

Luo Bi said that the wind was like the rain, and went upstairs to move the box of spiritual plants to Hua Ran: "Give it to the spoons, I can't use it."

Hua Ran took it and used it as a snack for the spoons.

Luo Hang came back later, and Luo Bi walked over to find fault: "What's going on with your family? Delicious river delicacies and high-grade exotic animal meat are reserved for Luo Wan and Luo Sha, and no one else has a share."

Luo Hang didn't care about the others. Luo Bi liked to eat delicious river delicacies. Luo Hang asked: "Didn't I give you a plate of delicious river delicacies?"

Luo Bi said angrily: "Luo Ping was so busy that she didn't even get anything to eat. Why are you giving it to me?!" She didn't even smash the garlic. Fortunately, she didn't do anything else, otherwise she would have suffered more.

Thinking of this, Luo Bi said angrily: "There is an aunt who still wants me to work, but I won't do it."

His children didn't get to eat delicious food. Luo Hang's face darkened and he was also a little dissatisfied with his family: "We don't eat food from the clan. I'll go to the dungeon later and buy you some delicious river food."

With that, Luo Hang was about to go out: "I'm going to the dungeon for a walk."

Since his family was prosperous, Luo Hang was thinking about providing good food for his children, and he would spend Interstellar coins on it.

Luo Bi could not stand that her family was spoiling her like this, so she waved her hand and said, "There are delicious river delicacies at home. Zhan Hui gave them to me. I won't eat them. You can eat them! Who can eat with just this amount?"

Luo Bi left as soon as she said so. Guan Zhuting hurriedly picked up the clams and said, "Take them back and eat them with Fengling."

Luo Bi didn't want to: "Can you go blind if you eat it?!"

Luo Hang: "······"

Hua Ran: “·······”

Guan Zhuting: "······"

In this way, Guan Zhuting put the clam back again, came back and asked, "Aren't you going to take the box of jade stones?"

"Put it here!" Luo Bi was not surprised.

Luo Bi didn't care about the jade stone and returned home. In the evening, Fei Ling brought back two flower crabs. In order to extend Luo Bi's life, Fei Ling was very attentive to the ingredients. One of the combat teams caught delicious river food, so he picked it. Two flower crabs.

Fengling spent the interstellar coins on Luo Bi without batting an eye.

Fenglinghua's Star Coins didn't feel bad for her, but Luo Bi did. She kept asking, "How many Star Coins are there?!"

Fengling tilted her head and said to her: "He Xiang shouldn't be busy now. You can go play with her and come back for dinner."

Fengling didn't say anything, but Luo Bi guessed that it was very expensive and she was almost ready to eat. She didn't go anywhere. Instead, she wandered to the planting field to look at the high-end fruit trees. When she saw it, she thought, damn, all five of them had drooped leaves.

Luo Bi: "······"

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