Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3114 These are all hers

Luo Bi thought about how she planted it.

Didn't she water it either? !

Lack of moisture, drought?

No, Luo Bi looked under the fruit tree. The color of the soil did not look dry, but the soil was mixed with medicinal residue ash, so it was unclear whether it would dry or not. Thinking of this, Luo Bi pulled the soil under the fruit tree.

This pull, damn, the soil dries up and turns into sand.

Luo Bi looked at them one by one. Some of the soil was not completely dry and still had a little moisture. So are the wilted fruit trees due to drought? ! Luo Bi was unsure, this was a high-end fruit tree.

Luo Bi took a deep breath and carried a bucket of water to water the fruit trees.

Fengling saw Luo Bi busy in the kitchen area and looked over: "What's wrong?"

"The fruit trees are wilting!" said Luo Bi.

Fengling put the grilled crabs on the table and went over to take a look. Luo Bi also looked at them: "The plants used to be watered to death. I didn't water these fruit trees. It's probably because of drought."

Fengling was noncommittal. The Thunder Flame Warrior's knowledge was not about planting. After looking at it, Fengling said, "Dinner will be cooked soon. Let's go eat."

Luo Bi hurriedly watered the water: "I'll water it in a moment."

If there is a drought, don't worry about overwatering. Just water the entire soil where the furnace pots are planted. The furnace pots with fruit trees are all small furnace pots. Luo Bi watered the fruit trees quickly.

Whether he survives or not, we will know in half a day.

The dried leaves looked like an eyesore, so I picked them after dinner, leaving only the branched ones.

After dinner, it started raining heavily.

Fengling stood up and looked at the rain, then came back and told Luo Bi about the five high-end fruit trees: "Would you like me to buy a few bottles of nutrient solution from the military department?"

Fengling doesn't know how to plant, but Luo Bi is a man who knows how to grow things. He usually thinks of watering and watering, but only one piece of purple grape fruit has grown, as well as durian fruit and red fruit. Now none of them are gone. .

If Luo Bi planted them like this, most of the five high-end fruit trees would not be able to survive.

Luo Bi likes naturally grown things. She shook her head and said, "No need."

Fengling stopped talking and let Luo Bi do as she pleased with the things she planted. There were five trees, not even one was left. Although Fengling valued those five high-end fruit trees, the man doted on Luo Bi even more.

Fengling cleared the dining table, washed her hands, and took out a box of low-grade high-grade jade stones, a box of low-grade high-grade jade stones, and a box of low-grade spiritual plants from the storage ring. The carton is not big, and each box contains about fifty pieces of jadeite, fifty spiritual plants, and various spiritual attributes.

Luo Bi: "······"

What is this for? She didn't want to extract and refine it.

She had ingredients at home, but she didn’t want to do anything.

"The admiral gave it to you," Fengling said.

Luo Bi thought for a moment and realized that she no longer had a bottle of energy liquid. She would need to extract some when she had time. Therefore, Luo Bi didn't say she didn't want it. The admiral gave it to her, so she didn't want it in vain.

That's right, jade stones and spiritual plants are expensive, yet Admiral Qi Lan still cares about her.

Luo Bi was in a mixed mood, so she skipped the purchase. She opened the carton containing the spiritual plants and looked at them, but was reluctant to give a few to the spoons. The spoons all belong to their families, so there is no need for her to worry about them, they are all hers.

Luo Bi put the carton into the storage bracelet, washed the high-grade nutritional energy fruits, and went to the study area to give them to Fengling.

Fengling was handling the military affairs and was not in a hurry to eat. He took Luo Bi over and continued to look at the military affairs. Luo Bi sat in the man's arms, eating some fruit and telling her about selling high-grade nutritional energy fruit to Zhan Hui and Luo Huan.

After hearing this, Fengling said, "Next time you want to earn interstellar coins, you can sell them to Roger and the others."

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