Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3168 Jealousy

Back at the camp, Wei Bunting said they were going to buy food.

Roger squinted his eyes and looked at the busy teams on the river. Without looking, Roger knew that several large hunting teams had gained a lot and the ingredients were of high quality.

Roger waved to the Bunting, which ran over. Roger called the Bunting Star Coins and said, "It's hot today. If you see any delicious fruits, buy more."

It was still very hot in the middle of the afternoon, and Wei Bunting said, "I'll pick out fresh ones to buy."

Over there, Luo Bi asked for some fish. Wei Zi threw the fish into the basin and climbed into the spacecraft to clean it up. Girls all love beauty, so naturally they have to dress up when going to the market.

They didn't even drive a hover car when they went on a mission. Fortunately, Wei Bun brought a sports car and several people crowded into a sports car.

"I forgot to drive a hover car." Luo Bi muttered.

"We bought something and we have to walk when we get back." Wei Zi thought about going back and driving a hover car, but thinking about it, it was not feasible. It would take two hours to go back and forth, which was unnecessary.

Luo Bi felt it was necessary, but she didn't say anything. When the hover car was used, Roger and Wei Yu would naturally find a way to drive a hover car without her saying it, so why should she open her mouth.

Whoever is in a hurry will find a solution. Luo Bi is not in a hurry.

Now that their hunting team has a fence to support the place, it's not like there is no harvest. As long as they don't watch others harvest and get jealous, Luo Bi wants to go easy and leisurely.

Shuixunxing is extremely lively this season this year, and the market is also very bustling, with people constantly coming and going. After the galaxy war season, Shuixunxing Market has just opened, and all aspects have been improved to a higher level.

There is nothing to say about the environment of the market. There are flowers and plants everywhere, as well as more expensive trees, plus rocks and flowing water, as well as mountain springs and waterfalls of different sizes. Wandering around the market makes people feel different. good.

Originally! I feel good when I go shopping or something.

The market has been built, and all aspects have been raised to a higher level. There are also waves of fresh food crossing the river. The so-called finding wealth and wealth in danger has attracted many hunting teams to gather in Shuixun Star.

Wei Zi got out of the sports car, dazzled by the sight, thinking about buying spiritual plants or jade stones.

"I wonder if there are any jade stones of the wood type in the market." Wei Zi's talent is average. In the talent world, the wood type is the best to extract. Therefore, talented people like to buy jade stones of the wood type.

Nowadays, it is difficult to buy jadeite from the wood system on all planets.

The wood-type jadeite that Wei Tzu is using now was issued to Wei Tzu by the military department.

Luo Bi didn't understand what Wei Zi was thinking, and she didn't know how popular wood jadeite was. When she heard this, she said, "Go and have a look! I went to the pharmacy and bought watermelons. It's only half the afternoon."

After Luo Bidu said this, Wei Bun drove the sports car to the medicine shop area.

In Shuixun Star after the Galaxy War season, everything is new, and the pharmacy is not the same as before. Luo Bi, Wei Zi, and Wei Bun were not familiar with the medicine shop in Shuixunxing, so they simply went directly to the medicine shop in the genius contract master world.

Go shopping, if this one doesn't work, just try another one.

The environment around the medicine shop is excellent, with rare flowers, plants and trees planted. There is a vague medicinal fragrance everywhere, which is light and makes people feel fresh and comfortable.

There are a lot of people in the pharmacy, but most of them are talented people in gauze and long skirts. They are exquisitely dressed, smiling happily, and each chooses what they need.

Wei Zi walked over and asked, "Is there any jade stone made of wood?"

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