Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3169 Very good

"Yes." Upon hearing this, the clerk knew that it was for those with low talent. She took out a small box of jadeite and said, "We just received a box of low-grade wood-type jadeite from our pharmacy. The quality is very good. "

Before Wei Zi could say anything, several talented people nearby came over.

Luo Bi immediately asked: "How many interstellar coins are there?"

Several talented people crowded over and reached for the jade stone: "Is it a low-level wood jade stone? Let me see how the quality is? If the price is right, I will buy a few pieces."

The clerk replied with the price, and Wei Zi hurriedly picked out the jadeite, and all the talented people picked it up.

The pharmacy clerk asked them to grab it, as long as they gave them a lot of interstellar coins.

Regardless of what the gifted talent usually wears, they are not weak at all when grabbing things, but Wei Zi has a good physique, and the tall and thin gifted talent next to her can't squeeze past her.

Wei Zi picked out more than a dozen pieces and typed the interstellar coins, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Those talented people did not overtake Wei Zi, and they looked very unhappy and stared at Wei Zi. Wei Ticai ignored them, put away the jade stone, and left the medicine shop with Luo Bi and Wei Bun.

The Thunder Flame warrior went to the medicine shop to buy elixirs and energy liquids. Because of the high price, he had a red-faced argument with the clerk. Luo Bi and the others left the medicine shop, and their minds immediately became clearer.

"Oh my god! It's so noisy that I have a headache." Luo Bi walked in front and said, "Let's go buy melons and fruits."

"Energy fluids and elixirs are in short supply now." Wei Zi and Wei Bun followed. Wei Zi said happily as he walked: "The dozen jade stones I purchased can extract several bottles of energy fluid."

With the energy liquid, their hunting team will have more combat power and can catch more river fish.

When we arrived at the place where melons and fruits were sold, various grades of melons and fruits were displayed on various stalls. The fruits were of particularly good quality. No need to ask, they must have been grown by planting robots.

Luo Bi is not at all interested in deceptive things.

Wei Zi also didn’t want to buy watermelons grown by planting robots. She said, “Shall we buy low-grade nutritional energy watermelons?!”

Wei Bun nodded, and Luo Bi said, "Wei Bun asked us to buy melons and fruits that contain nutritional energy."

The weather is hot this season, and a lot of people come to buy melons and fruits from teams going on missions. They are usually small Leiyan warriors and talented people. Going on missions is too tiring, and no one wants to eat what is grown by robots.

Therefore, low-level nutritional energy ingredients are very popular.

The low-end ones are divided into several levels. Some are divided into first-level ingredients and second-level ingredients, and the nutritional energy contained is also different. People who buy them have to weigh them, and those who are greedy are another matter.

Wei Bun planned to buy second-level nutrient energy fruits from low-level ingredients. He would skip the first-level fruits just by looking at them. If the first-level fruits were particularly fresh, it would not be impossible to buy a few.

The melons and fruits among the low-grade ingredients were very popular, and many people gathered in front of the stall.

Luo Bi looked at it and found that the leaves on the watermelon were not very fresh and wilted. Of course, the sunlight was too poisonous and the leaves of the watermelon would become wilted in less than half an hour after being picked.

Luo Yuan and Tong Wan also came to buy melons and fruits. Seeing Luo Bi coming up to say hello, Luo Bi and the others walked over.

When Luo Yuan greeted her, it was unreasonable to ignore her.

Luo Bi asked: "How many interstellar coins did the watermelon you bought cost?"

Before Luo Yuan could say anything, Tong Wan snatched a melon and handed it to Luo Yuan. He looked at Luo Bi and said, "We bought a second-level nutritional energy watermelon."

Meaning you can't afford it.

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