Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3187 These are all interstellar coins

Luo Bi didn't know how to say polite words. After thinking about it for a long time, she said, "So much."

Two boxes of elixirs are quite a lot.

Compared to Luo Bi, Mrs. Huang was more talkative. She said, "I knew you might be short of elixirs, so I only brought the elixirs, not the energy liquid or energy stones."

Luo Bi looked at Wei Yu, the team you lead, you tell me.

Wei Yu was a little funny. This woman was sometimes too down-to-earth. Wei Yu went over to chat with Mrs. Huang and asked what the Huang Family Master was busy with. Wei Yu handled these matters with ease.

At this time, Wu Cheng also opened the storage ring and took out the elixir he had brought. There was a box of low-grade elixir and a box of non-attributed energy liquid. Wu Cheng opened it and found about fifty bottles of elixir in one box.

"I also brought the elixir and a box of energy liquid." Wu Cheng and Luo Bi showed off, opened the energy liquid, and said, "My brother asked me to bring it. It will be used on missions."

When Wu Cheng said this, he looked back at the river, grinned and said: "However, I think we won't be able to use it. The offensive river fish don't attack, it's as if they are dead. It's just a waste."

You can be as dissatisfied as you want, Wu Jiajun has never picked up something in vain like this.

"We can't let others know that we picked it up for free." Luo Bi immediately laughed after receiving so many elixirs and energy liquids, and she was gearing up to call Zhu Xingshao and Hua Ran over: "Come and divide, this water area is too dangerous for attack types." As for He Xian, how can you not fight? This is too unsociable."

Wu Cheng asked blankly: "Are we going to fight? Isn't there a small fence?!"

Using Xiaoyanli is free of charge, but the Thunder Flame Warrior fighting against the attacking Hexian is different. It consumes a lot of energy liquid, energy stones, and elixirs, which are all interstellar coins.

"We have a small fence, but we can't let others know!" Luo Bi likes to make money in silence. In the morning, she was worried about others watching their camp. Now that they have energy liquid and elixir, they can also fight.

Roger and Wei Yu were also worried about this. They wanted to make a fortune in silence, but they couldn't stop others from looking in this direction. Over time, those people would become suspicious that they could catch something good.

Now that Mrs. Huang and Wu Cheng had brought the elixir and energy liquid, the urgent need was solved. The Lei Yan warriors divided the energy liquid among themselves.

Luo Jie and Wei Yu discussed the battle plan. Everyone drank energy liquid and then divided into two groups. Focus on the position where the bamboo is placed, and separate it to both sides to create distance.

Don't get too close, because too close will hinder the little Yanli from catching delicious river fish.

Stay farther away, see if it doesn't work, stay farther away, then stand on the shore, estimate that it's almost done, draw up your stance, and wave your jade sword to fight against the aggressive river creatures in the water.

For a moment, the river became lively near Wei Biao's station.

There was a battle on the shore and in the water, and the attacking river creatures gathered together.

Over there where the Zhan family was stationed, Zhan Kuai stopped to watch for a moment and smiled: "I told you, I thought they had caught something good. It turned out that they were short of energy fluid and energy stones, so they didn't dare to fight."

A member of the Zhan family said: "Their hunting team is very small, just for fun. We shouldn't listen to that Tong Wan's nonsense. How could Wei Biao and the others catch something good."

"Tong Wan will come here to eat and drink." Someone said with disdain: "She can't even tell her face, she just sees other people's things."

"Yes, I can still pretend."

The Zhan family members were talking a lot and looked down upon Tong Wan.

You want to eat but you still hold it, who are you?

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