Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3188 Good talent

At Wei Yu's garrison, the battle between Leiyan warriors was in full swing.

Everyone at Luo Huan's station was stunned.

Who said good things were caught there?

Luo Huan looked at it and said, "Wei Buzzard's hunting team probably lacked elixirs and energy fluids before."

A cousin of the Luo family said: "We are not short of energy liquid and elixir."

Having said that, they are complacent. The Luo family has no shortage of talented people, and the talented people in the Luo family are extremely talented. They are not short of energy liquids, energy stones, and elixirs. They also have formation disks.

"Who said they caught something good?!" Someone remembered and asked.

"Tong Wan." Luo Qing said angrily: "When she saw that Wei Yu's hunting team made no movement, she kept saying that they had caught something good and asked her to go and have a look. But she didn't go, so she just made wild guesses. "

Luo Ping also intervened at this time and said: "Tong Wan asked me to ask Luo Bi, but she didn't go and asked me to go."

"Tong Wan likes to encourage others. She is a good person." An aunt answered.

"Okay, stop talking." Luo Qing said.

Luo Ping said, "What's the point? She's not here."

When Tong Wan heard that Wei Yu's hunting team was also fighting, she was stunned for a moment. It was suddenly so lively there, and she felt strange, how could she not catch anything good.

Tong Wan said to Luo Ping, "Go and have a look. They must have caught something good."

Luo Ping said bluntly: "I won't go, you go!"

If you have this free time to worry about other people's hunting teams, you might as well do more work. Luo Ping ran to pick fish with her aunts very wisely, and there were still many fish to pick.

When other hunting teams in the surrounding area saw that there was also fighting at Wei Buzzard's station, they stopped thinking and went about their own business.

Wei Yu's team didn't have any talented people, and they probably wouldn't have any good stuff. Nowadays, fishing nets are of little use in attacking rivers, so they can only fight on the shore.

As a result, the consumption was very high, and the hunting teams and mercenary groups were very distressed.

As soon as Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Zhu arrived, Luo Bi, Huang Xinling, and Wei Tingguang thought about eating. Since the mushroom claw crab is suitable to be paired with mushrooms, they went to collect mushrooms.

As soon as the several women discussed it, they immediately came to an agreement.

Mrs. Zhu came with small baskets, bamboo baskets, etc., as well as small hoes and small shovels. She divided them up, but Luo Bi didn't want them. She had them in her own storage bracelet, but she wouldn't let anyone else use them.

Mrs. Zhu knew this, so she pretended not to know that the child didn't like others to touch her things, so she just didn't move them.

Madam Zhu not only didn't touch Luo Bi's things, she also took out the things she brought, trying not to make Luo Bi unhappy. Luo Bi didn't say anything when she was unhappy, but she liked to keep a notebook.

Then, I won’t take you to play next time.

Mrs. Zhu is convinced by this temper.

Shuixunxing has no shortage of mountains and forests. A few people wandered around in the mountains and forests. Nowadays, Shuixunxing has a very large number of river freshwater groups, so there are fewer hunting teams hunting exotic animals. They only dig wild vegetables and collect mushrooms outside the mountains and forests.

It is said that there is no shortage of mushrooms and wild vegetables on undeveloped planets. In fact, most of them are collected in places where missions are often carried out. Even if they are available, the quantity is small and the varieties are ordinary.

After searching around, they picked a piece of land that had just grown, and several people collected it separately.

Luo Bi carried the small basket, looked around, and found a bunch of small mushrooms. They had no meat and were very ordinary mushrooms. Luo Bi didn't like them, and she didn't like the ones that had just grown.

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