Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3196 Duhula comes back

The direct clan members sighed, wondering why they were happy here.

Although the aunts from the direct lineage are silly and happy, they think their talents are great and some don't know what to say, but they are not lacking in strength and work very quickly.

After watching for a while, they all went to pick fish. Their hunting team harvested a lot of fish, and they were busy with some of them.

Luo Bi went to find ginseng, but she quit because of the heat and went back to the camp with a few children.

After jumping out of the sports car, Luo Bi discovered that there was an extra team of elites, led by Tang Shao. Luo Bi was still a little puzzled. She looked towards the river and saw the water balloons flying.

Luo Bi understood, this was an offensive type of river food.

Tang Shao is here. It can be seen that there are a lot of offensive Hexian troops and their combat power is not weak. Tang Shao is the adjutant of the admiral. What is his military rank? The team he brings is also elite.

How powerful are these crabs? Luo Bi was puzzled. She opened the small array out of curiosity and walked toward the river. She told Madam Zhu and others, "Is Tang Shao here? I'm going to see what kind of powerful crabs there are."

Madam Zhu didn't want Luo Bi to go, so she said, "It's a second-level combatant."

Madam Huang also said: "They are fighting, and the Thunder Flame warriors can't care about you."

Wei Zi's words followed: "Level 2."

"Let me take a look." Luo Bi didn't believe it! He kept walking and looked at it before talking.

Luo Bidu opened the small array, and Mrs. Zhu asked her to see it without stopping her.

Hua Ran looked at Luo Bi and said quickly, "Go back."

Wei Wei waved a special power, turned around and said: "These level two combat mushrooms and claw crabs are very powerful."

While talking, dozens of water balls attacked the shore. The Lei Yan warriors defended and fought while Zhu Xingshao and Wei Bunting took the opportunity to run to the bamboo side and close the small fence.

Tang Shao and the sergeants he brought had seen it several times. When they saw Xiao Yanli's harvest, they couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that Wei Yi and Luo Jie had such good things.

The small broken fence is really impressive.

That's right, there are too many offensive rivers, and Xiao Yanli is not afraid of being out of use.

Luo Bi was standing behind the Thunder Flame Warrior at this time, looking at the river and turning a deaf ear to Hua Ran and Wei Yu's words, going back? She didn't go back to the station. Luo Bi felt heartbroken when she saw the attacking river fish on the river just following the water.

Luo Bi's beautiful eyes widened. Why are there so many aggressive river fish in this section of the river? ? ! ! !

There weren’t so many fresh fish across the river last time!

Luo Bi looked at the river and felt distressed. A large number of river fish had passed by, and only a few crabs were left to fight. Luo Bi stared at the numbers. She did not feel that the crabs were powerful in their attack, but she disliked the small number of crabs left to fight.

As soon as I glanced at it, I saw a lot of crab claws on the river.

She wants all of this.

Luo Bi glanced at Xiao Yanli and wondered how many big river fish had been caught this time. How many big river fish had come from upstream? What is Zhan Ke doing? These are all delicious river delicacies.

Duhula came back.

If Zhan Kuai is not strong enough, He Xianqun will take advantage of them when they come over, but Wei Biao and Tang Shao are obviously not strong either. So what if the Leiyan warriors were powerful in battle? They couldn't stop the Hexian group, and they were very difficult to fight.

Besides, there are more people in the past, and there are more people in the Luo family who take advantage of them.

They all went to where the Luo family members were stationed.

There are also Wei Biao and Tang Shao. This battle is not effective. A large number of crabs have gone. What's the point of fighting these dozens of crabs? Even if they are all killed, they won't gain as much as Xiao Yanli.

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