Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3197 Save it

Luo Bi felt even more distressed by this comparison.

It's not like they have no choice. Luo Bi has other ideas for catching river freshwater. Whether it works or not, it's better to give it a try than watching the river freshwater swarm go downstream.

Damn, it's cheap to station a team in a good location.

Speaking of small scorpions, this thing is not good either. You can only catch so many at one time.

Luo Bi disliked going to Xiaoyanli again.

It was already mid-morning, and it was almost noon. Luo Bi watched groups of shrimps and crabs leaving for the lower reaches. If they couldn't pull them back, they were getting angry. How could they pull them up with so many delicious river fish?

Luo Bi was thinking about what to use to catch river fresh food. She was still looking at the river fresh food. She pointed at the crab claws waving on the river and said to Wei Yü and Tang Shao: "The mushroom claws and crabs are all gone."

What are you doing? Just like Zhan Kuai, he is not very effective.

Tang Shao looked at Luo Bi inexplicably, and Wei Yun didn't understand what Luo Bi meant. Just go downstream. Fresh food crossing the Xun River will never go upstream.

Zhu Xingzhi followed Luo Bi back from digging ginseng insects, took out the small jade sword and prepared to join the battle.

The child Zhu Xingzhi understood what Luo Bi meant. He blinked and raised his head and said, "We can't beat those with level two combat power!"

The child didn't think about pulling back all the crabs in this section of the river, and Wei Ying and Tang Shao didn't dare to think about it. Dozens of them were enough for them to challenge, so they wanted more? You can.

Tang Shao laughed: "Where will the crabs go if they don't go downstream?"

"We are okay with the river freshwater group in the team, but we can't handle it if there are too many." Hua Ran explained. As he spoke, Zhu Xingsuhe and Zhu Xingrong were injured by the water polo attack and retreated to the rear.

Luo Bi was startled, ran over and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Zhu Xingsu first sprinkled Zhu Xingrong with the elixir. There was half a bottle left. He sparingly used it. Zhu Xingsu sprinkled it on his arm and said, "It doesn't hurt very much. Sprinkle the elixir and it will be fine after a while."

Luo Bi's heart was clogged. She felt that this was not possible. If she couldn't beat him, it didn't mean she had to beat her.

You see the children are injured.

Luo Bi didn't want to see one of her own injured, so she didn't hesitate anymore. She just did whatever she wanted. First, she would get something to catch the aggressive river fish. She had already thought about it, but she just didn't know if it would work.

Luo Bi walked back to the resting space with Zhu Xingsu and Zhu Xingrong. Luo Bi was impatient and trotted to the front without waiting for Zhu Xingsu and Zhu Xingrong.

Luo Jie and Wen Yao stopped resting and planned to join the battle.

Luo Bi handed the bamboo stick to Roger: "Hold it to me."

Roger took it over, and Wen Yao counted the energy liquid, energy stones, and elixirs. After they were consumed, they would change their station. It would be better to occupy a good position to pick up the leaks if they were to fight upstream.

Luo Bi hurriedly walked towards the rock in the rest space. She opened the storage bracelet, sat on one side of the rock and rummaged for the bottle array. There were several natural stacked rocks and small streams of water flowing there.

Listening to the sound of water, Luo Bi searched for a long time before finding a dozen small bottles from the bottle array.

The little milk bottles that Luo Bi found were really small, solid, and brand new, and they also had bottle handles. This was the kind of milk bottles that Luo Bi was looking for because they had mounting slots on them.

Roger glanced this way and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw the bottle.

Zhu Xingsu blinked, wondering what Luo Bi was doing with such a small bottle. Not to mention catching delicious river food, the small bottle didn't have this ability, and it was just about catching birds and beasts.

But there are not many birds and beasts in Shuixunxing, and it takes several days to see one.

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