Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3341 She doesn’t spend interstellar coins

Zhu Xingzhi: “·······”

Zhu Xingrong: "······"

Wei Bunting: "·······"

The children were worried. Originally they were worried that one of them would freeze to death, but Luo Bi said that this time it was almost frozen to death and looked like it would be impossible to feed them. Now Zhu Xingzhi and the children were even more worried.

"Don't freeze one to death, little red chicken monsters are so rare!" Zhu Xingrong thought to himself, even though others are small, they still have a lot to worry about.

Luo Bi heard this, thought for a moment, and then said: "Poultry, especially chickens, like to die in piles."

Several children: "·······??!!!"

Oh my god, this is no longer nonsense! It’s hard for a child not to worry.

They were all distressed when one of them froze to death, and there were piles of them dead. The children's hearts were raised high, and they looked at this one, and looked at that one, and saw that none of them looked energetic.

I couldn't tell anything after just looking at it for a while. Zhu Xingrong and the others stayed for half an hour before going home.

"Thunder Flame Warriors with strong genetic injuries are the rarest Red Chicken Monster." Zhu Xingrong walked out the door and said, the Little Red Chicken Monster is equivalent to the Red Chicken Monster, except that it is smaller and has smaller colored crystals.

The guard bunting walked behind and said: "Yes, some little red chicken monsters can also throw fireballs, which are difficult to catch."

In fact, it is difficult to find a chicken nest and it is equally difficult to catch it.

Luo Bi asked curiously: "Can it throw fireballs?! Even the one I caught can't throw fireballs."

More than a hundred, not even one.

"..." Wei Bun said: "You are lucky!"

If you are lucky, you will not be envious.

Luo Bi is indeed lucky, even if the child refuses to accept it.

After returning home, several children called Luo Bi to ask about the little red chicken monsters. Not only the children asked, but adults also asked. The head of the Zhu family also knew that Luo Bi had raised a group of little red chicken monsters.

He was about to freeze to death. Could Zhu Xingrong not tell the head of the Zhu family?

There is also the Wei Bunting, and I also told the Wei Bunting.

The head of the Zhu family and Wei Yu called over to ask about the situation of the little red chicken monster. Luo Bi boiled a pot of sugar water and gave it to the little red chicken monster. She didn't know what was going on.

Luo Bi told them: "Give the little red chicken monster some sugar water, and you won't see the effect until tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to give me a nutrient solution?" Wei Yu was curious about how to give the little red chicken monster some sugar water. Wei Yu said, "If you don't have any, I'll prepare a nutrient solution."

Luo Bi has no idea about nutrient solution at all. Interstellar humans use nutrient solution at every turn. Luo Bi has no such idea. She doesn't even use plant nutrient solution for fruit trees, let alone the little red chicken monster. She doesn't spend interstellar coins.

Robbie said, "No need."

Wei Wei: “·······”

Fengling came back in the evening and heard that Luo Bi had opened the large balcony. The man was angry and funny. He was worried that she would catch a cold. He looked at Luo Bi carefully and saw that she was not cold. Then he felt relieved.

Looking back, Fengling had time to take a look at the little red chicken monster. The man didn't say anything. Fengling usually wouldn't interfere with the things Luo Bi raised, right? Fengling didn't understand how Luo Bi would think of making sugar water for the little red chicken monster to drink.

Not to mention, not a single little red chicken monster froze to death the next day.

Now Luo Bi looked at the little red chicken and the monster was confused: "..."

I originally wanted to eat one, but now I can't.

Luo Bi actually didn't really want to eat much. There were about a hundred of them, so she just wanted to eat one and play with it.

Who cares about eating chicken?

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