Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3342 Why bother her?

Luo Bi looked at the chirping little red chicken monster and felt very confused.

Even if none of them died, there was nothing she could do.

Luo Bi looked at the little red chicken monster. Wei Zi came over in thick clothes, and Wei Bun followed him. Wei Zi walked in and stomped his feet out of the cold, put his hand to his mouth and breathed.

Luo Bi looked at Wei Zirang stamping his feet and asked in surprise: "Why did you come here in such a cold weather?"

"I came to see your little red chicken monster." It took a while for Wei Zi to warm up and take off the animal skin cloak. Wei Bun opened the closet and put the animal skin cloak in.

Luo Bi led Wei Zi and Wei Bunting straight to the planting field on the large balcony. If it were anyone else, they would definitely sit down and chat for a while and drink a cup of hot water. Luo Bi didn't have so many ideas.

Now Luo Bi's house has three scales of the flame beast hanging on it, and the temperature on the large balcony is very comfortable. Wei Zi doesn't feel cold anymore when he arrives at the planting field. He looks at the red fruit tree planted with curious eyes. Their tree is already bearing fruit.

"Isn't your plant growing fruit yet?" Wei Bunting took a closer look.

Luo Bi was very angry: "They haven't grown. Several of the fruit trees I sent out have grown fruit, but my tree has not grown."

The guard bunting was puzzled, tilted his head and looked at the fruit tree and said, "What's going on?"

"Who knows!" said Luo Bi.

Love doesn't grow long, and if it doesn't grow, it will fall down, and a fruit tree will make her angry. Isn't it supposed to be that her planting is the best, while other people's planting is not good? ! When she comes here, it's different.

"I didn't water the fruit tree to death this time." Luo Bi added, it's good that she didn't water it to death.

It's hard to say that her plant doesn't have any fruit. When the fruit tree harvests, she will eat other people's fruit.

Several people went to the planting field. When Wei Zi saw the chirping little red chicken monster, his eyes widened in surprise and he exclaimed: "So many little red chicken monsters?!"

Luo Bi glanced at Wei Zi, who was interested in the Thunder Flame Warrior of the Little Red Chicken Monster. Wei Zi couldn't be more happy.

The guard buntings were also looking at them with curiosity, and they couldn't get enough of them. Luo Bi saw that the guard buntings were really rare, so she said, "Catch a few of them, and I'll give you five little red chicken monsters."

Wei Bun was stunned, and Wei Zi also looked at Luo Bi.

Luo Bi asked Wei Bun: "Don't you want it?"

"Yes!" Wei Bun nodded quickly.

Luo Bi said: "Catch it yourself!"

The Bunting entered the chicken coop and caught five of them at random without being picky. It would be great if Luo Bi was willing to give him a few of them. The Bunting would not pick out the ones with a lot of colorful crystals out of ignorance.

What Luo Bi gave to Wei Bun was equivalent to giving to the general's family. Wei Zi didn't know what to do, so he discussed with Luo Bi enthusiastically: "I'm going to the military headquarters soon, are you going to attend the gathering of gifted masters? !”

Luo Bi was not very interested and shook her head: "I won't go."

Wei Zi tried his best to persuade: "We might as well learn how to extract and refine it from other gifted bond masters."

Robbie said, "I don't want to go."

"Alas!" Wei Zi sighed, with a sad look on his face: "I am not very talented, and I only extracted two bottles of energy liquid in one day. For this, several of my cousins ​​scolded me."

Two bottles? Luo Bi made an estimate and said, "It's okay to extract two bottles!"

Wei Zi pouted and stopped talking. Wei Bun grinned and said disgustedly: "What! Do you know how many pieces of jadeite she broke to extract these two bottles of energy liquid?!"

Luo Bi asked curiously: "How many yuan is it?!" She really didn't know how to count.

"Two boxes of jade stones." Wei Bun said: "She only extracted two bottles of energy liquid from a box of more than twenty low-grade jade stones."

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