Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3349 Comparison

When Luo Bi talked about the red fruit tree, she became happy.

Guan Zhuting looked at Luo Bi like this and was in a trance for a moment. She didn't even eat the fried melon seeds. She blinked and said, "No matter how quickly they ripen, you can't eat them right away? The red fruit tree in the Zhu family has more fruit than yours." Morning, it’s still green fruit now, it will take some time before you can eat it.”

After a fruit tree is transplanted, the fruit will not ripen so quickly the same year it bears.

Can Zhu's grow the same as hers? Luo Bi has a plug-in! After listening to Guan Zhuting's words, Luo Bi said: "I forgot to pick a few for you to eat, they are all red."

After Guan Zhuting ate it, she stopped talking nonsense. She sprinkled it with medicinal dregs and ash, and the red fruit trees grew. The Zhu family's, Luo Jie, and Wei Yi's did not sprinkle medicinal dregs and ash. How could the fruits ripen all at once? .

Luo Bi narrowed her eyes. The medicine dregs and ash she refined were sometimes very powerful, so I didn't mention it.

Guan Zhuting was so confused that she couldn't imagine how the fruit could grow, so she was in a hurry to ripen it. It is true that medicine dregs and ash can promote crop growth, but Guan Zhuting doesn't believe it if the fruit can mature within a few days.

Luo Bidu said that he wanted to pick it for her to eat, which was probably true. Guan Zhuting was doubtful and said doubtfully: "Is your plant the same variety as the one given to Zhu Xingzhi?!"

It's not the same species, so it makes more or less sense.

Luo Bi lost her patience, but her lack of patience did not delay her crackling of river melon seeds. She reminded: "I gave them to Zhu Xingzhi." Could it be the same variety of fruit trees? !

Guan Zhuting thought for a moment: "You can pick one for me later and I'll have a taste."

Luo Bi's petulance became stronger again. A high-grade red fruit tree was not just several saplings at the beginning. It bore countless fruits. It was impossible to grow too many and pick the ones that were missing.

Luo Bi couldn't bear it, and her mother couldn't show it yet, so she responded perfunctorily.

Guan Zhuting didn't notice that Luo Bi was reluctant to give up. Knowing that Luo Bi's mental strength was getting better, she felt a little happy, and suddenly thought of the talented people in the clan.

Compared with the talented people from various families, Luo Bike was much less worried. Guan Zhuting felt a little happy and mentioned Luo Yan: "Luo Wan and Luo Sha are supported by the family, so they will never be short of interstellar coins, and they have plenty of money. I heard that she spent tens of millions of interstellar coins last month to buy several animal skin skirts of various styles, not to mention the matching jewelry. Luo Yan was jealous, and there was trouble at home. She wanted a dress that matched the Luo Wan's soft fur animal skin skirt of the same style costs about fifty thousand interstellar coins."

Tens of millions of interstellar coins? Luo Bi felt a little distressed, Luo Wan was really willing to spend money.

As for the dress that Luo Yan wants to buy for 50,000 interstellar coins, Luo Bi has no idea. She is not a fool who doesn't know anything. Except for Luo Feifan's industry, the average income of the tribe is only 5,000 interstellar coins.

Luo Jun is injured and has not recovered yet, and has no salary. Luo Yan wants to wear a dress worth 50,000 Star Coins? It seems a bit mysterious, Luo Yan is so obsessed with comparison, she might make some noise.

"Auntie, will you buy it for her?" Luo Bi asked.

"No way!" Guan Zhuting felt that Luo Yan was too ignorant: "Luo Juan still needs to take care of his body. How could your uncle's family let Luo Yan spend so much interstellar coins? With these interstellar coins, it is better to buy ingredients for Luo Juan. "

Luo Bi disdainfully said, "Just making fun of you."

Guan Zhuting sighed. Luo Hang came back from the underground city and bought a box of tender corn.

Guan Zhuting stopped chatting with Luo Bi and got up to cook.

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