Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3350 The natural ability is still there

Luo Bi said on the side: "Don't put any seasonings."

Guan Zhuting agreed and followed Luo Bi's taste.

Luo Huan became angry and went home with Hua Ran, and Luo Qing also came with him.

Entering the yard and smelling the aroma of cooked tender corn, Luo Qing was surprised and said, "Did you make something delicious?"

Luo Hang said to his nephew, "You're here just in time. Let's eat boiled corn later."

When Luo Bi saw that there were only Luo Huan and Luo Qing, she felt relieved. She didn't feel bad for these two cousins. If it was someone else, Luo Bi would have to think carefully about how to deceive them.

"It's rare to see boiled corn in winter, so it's a blessing." Luo Qing's eyes flashed, but he was just talking. There were not many ingredients, so he only bought one or two to satisfy his craving.

Luo Qing will not rush to eat to satisfy his craving, he is not so indifferent.

"It's not cooked yet," said Luo Bi.

Luo Qing smiled and followed Hua Ran and Luo Huan into the living room in the courtyard. As soon as he entered the living room, the temperature was different. Luo Qing glanced at Luo Huan. Luo Huan was also a little surprised. At this temperature, the Luo family of Emperor Star That's the condition.

Luo Huan was in a bad mood and didn't think much about it. Luo Wan was too good at spending interstellar coins. Luo Huan didn't listen even after he said it several times, so he had no choice but to come to Zhihuang Star. Unexpectedly, Luo Yan was also ignorant.

Hua Ran made a pot of tea, several Thunder Flame warriors were talking in the living room, and Luo Hang asked about the situation of the Emperor Star.

Luo Huan complained to Luo Hang that the family's mineral wealth had shrunk a lot since the Galaxy War Season, but Luo Wan still didn't know how to buy luxury goods. If it weren't for the family's wealth, they really wouldn't be able to support Luo Wan.

Luo Qing ate the fried river melon seeds in the melon seed plate, and he was full of doubts. There was a pile of melon seed peels on the table, and it looked like they were often eaten. How many delicious river delicacies did Hua Ran share? !

Luo Bi brought in a small basket of steaming boiled corn, put it on the table, and took one to eat first.

Luo Huan and Luo Qing were both cousins, and they didn't care that Luo Bi just wanted to eat first. Luo Qing's eyes fell on a small basket of boiled corn. This time, he was really surprised that he had cooked so much.

"Is the price of fresh corn cheap?" Luo Qing was not polite and took one to eat.

Luo Bi looked at Luo Hang, who replied: "It's not cheap, one thousand interstellar coins each. These are the second-level ingredients in the low-level. They are freshly picked and not sweet."

Luo Qing paused and said, "You are so willing. This basket is enough for my salary for a month."

Luo Hang said: "Your cousin loves to eat."

Luo Qing ate one and stopped eating. The price was too expensive, so he kept it for Luo Bi.

Luo Huan asked Luo Bi: "How are your talents?"

"It can't be used." Luo Bi replied to him.

Luo Huan sighed, and when Luo Hang went to the kitchen, Luo Huan said to Luo Bi: "Don't be too free of your own temper. With Fengling's status and SS-level strong genes, I may not be able to spend the rest of my life with you."

That's all he said, not much else.

While your talents are still there, try not to waste them if you can.

If it were Luo Wan and Luo Sha, Luo Huan wouldn't worry about this. After all, Luo Wan and Luo Sha are highly talented and confident, and their lifespans can be longer. If they have a short lifespan, their marriage will not last long.

Luo Bi smiled. Women's lifespan is short, but they can't resist Fengling's intentions!

Fengling wanted her to spend her whole life with him, and this was not Luo Bi's decision.

Luo Huan and Luo Qing didn't stay long. After playing for a while, they left. They wanted to go to an undeveloped planet to see the family's mines.

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